Monday, May 19, 2014

Lifting Up Da Bum, Tighten Up Da Pooch

So my workouts have been going good. I went to the gym in the morning before work on both Friday and Saturday. I didn't go Sunday because I was out dancing (no drinking either) late Saturday night so I figured that could count and I'd allow myself sleep to be mostly functional at work. A big cup of tea saved my life for sure.
I also went to the gym for a workout class this morning and I'm going again tomorrow for some yoga. Right now I'm pushing myself to just be doing some sort of workout every day. I want to reincorporate weights back in since they do help burn more fat (plus help lift the bum more).
I really feel like legitimately planning out cosplay is really helping motivate both Alex and myself. It's nice to feel so enthralled in something with him-- something so active with multi-parts. There is so much to learn with sewing, design, and just general cosplay but I think we're off to a great start.
Alex and I purchased our tickets for Tampa Bay Comic Con in August so we can go and check out the scene, ask some questions and hopefully get helpful answers. This will be my first real convention so it'll be good to just be able to enjoy all the excitement and fun silliness instead of having our debut be my first convention. I have gone to what was considered to be a convention in PSL but it was very small it was more like a little community event. I'm excited to see the cosplay/geek community on a larger scale.
Our debut will be Mega Con April 2015 and just thinking about it makes me more and more excited.
We've been doing a ton of research and just finished inspecting our sewing machine. No lie, Alex and I really lucked out with it. Upon opening it up we discovered that it had been repaired, all belts lubricated and replaced at least within the past year. It's  nice to know that the only thing wrong was the missing spool pins and spool pin felts (which are ordered and on their way here!).
Words can't express how much I see this project is positively changing not only Alex and my habits but our relationship as well.

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