Thursday, May 15, 2014

Ground Control to Miss Catherine

This song has been stuck in my head for a day or so, so I want to make everyone else listen to it. If you haven't seen Walter Mitty, I highly suggest you see it. Both times Alex and I have seen it, we immediately wanted to watch it again.
I realized when Rinpoche woke me up this morning that I didn't write my blog post for yesterday. It was a fairly eventful day. Alex and I reflected on our failure with the Race to Abs and decided we needed a more potent dose of motivation and decided on cosplay. We've been talking for quite a while about dressing up and going to a convention but we didn't, until yesterday, make an absolute decision. So since it will be our first time we decided to go with something more simple but will still make it a necessity to fit and tighten things up. We decided on Red Lantern, or at least Alex has. I'm not sure who I'll be from the Red Lantern series-- we'll probably just both do generic lantern. Alex didn't think I could present a rage face for Red Lantern fan pictures but I think I proved him wrong for a moment (until I started laughing from making the rage face). A little blood at the edges of my mouth should give me the boost I need to pose well.
Today we're going to go thrift shopping and visit Joanne's to check out fabric and look at sewing machines.

Other than cosplay plans, yesterday I worked on the pokemon game board. Alex's side is almost done and I'm excited to share it with everyone once I'm done. I can't tell you how many times I erased and restarted the pokemon I'm using to hold place of the prize cards.

I'll let you know how today goes later. Have a good one.

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