Saturday, May 10, 2014

Water Slides and Turbulence

So I didn't realize I missed yesterday's post until I woke up this morning and saw Kaitlin's new post. I remember I wanted to touch upon an article on the acclaimed "controversial" shark killings. There's nothing controversial-- it's aweful. While I understand the concern for human life I feel people could more easily avoid sharks than they could a car accident: simply don't go in the ocean. If shark attacks were really all that bad, people should have limited access to beaches instead of murdering sharks that may have never hurt nor would have ever hurt a person. The article made it clear: people believe humans are the only ones that matter. That's why the planet is going to poop, we don't care about the environment until it directly affects us.
I'm done with my shpeal for now. 
Yesterday was a nice day. It was busy for a bit and work then got slow so I caught up on some of my reading: news and elephant journal articles. Then when I got home Alex and I went for a nice seven mile ride. When we were done my legs had no idea what they should do lol. It was beautiful outside and the route we took allowed us to chat and be a cute couple on bicycles. Afterwards we had leftovers and then we went to super target to get a few things (yay we might have fish for dinner-- I've had a huge caring for fish lately). After that I recall being pretty tired and I passed out before Alex even came to bed.
My dreams last night were about taking a plane to London, me not liking being on the plane, and then waking up in a luxurious hotel with this awesome water slide. I recall thinking how I left my yoga mat and wondered if room service would bring me one. Then I really woke up and realized I had to go to work again today. 
Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday. Enjoy your freedom if you don't have to work. 

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