Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday for Sunday

Whoever made this advertisement clearly doesn't know what it's like to actually live in Florida. They also clearly did not experience all that rain on Friday.

Yes, it's Monday not Sunday but I'm putting an effort in.
Yesterday I went to work; it was a busy day-- lots of people, decent amount of profit. I like working at Worm's Way because even when it's slow I have friendly coworkers who always have an interesting story to tell. I also enjoy helping people learn about indoor gardening with a heavy dash of science that they didn't know was important to plants. The weather was gorgeous.
After work I came home and spent about an hour trying to decide what was for dinner. I settled on Moe's even though I seemed to have a big craving for pasta. I don't like to pay so much for food I could make at home with ease. Note to self: definitely getting pasta when I finally make it to the grocery store.
We came home and I worked on and finished my Final Project and Authority Quiz for my Cataloging Nonbook Materials class (I'm going to miss it; it was my only physical class). Alex and my friend, Aaron, came over and hung out. We talked about our thoughts on apartments we've been looking at for the fall. We have some good options, the only thing left to see is where they price us at. I think it's dumb how they can't have a standard range for their apartments. This BS about, Oh we won't be able to tell how much or even if we'll have something for you until exactly two months before that date. At least that's better than being lazy butts like some apartment complexes that say they can't tell until a week before.
After Aaron left Alex and I wound down for the night and got to bed.
I didn't get any painting done but I'll have time on Monday for that since I can't go to the gym without taking my allergy pills.
Overall it was a regular Sunday. As regular as a Sunday can be.

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