Sunday, May 25, 2014

When Life Hands You Lemons...

... make sure they're actually lemons so you don't actually make lemonade with lemon squash. Today my coworker gave me seeds that were left by a customer. Apparently there are squash that look just like lemon (but still taste like a summer squash). There are so many things I enjoy about working for Worm's Way and being surrounded by people maybe even nerdier than me is one of them. Plus when there's no one coming to the store, I still get paid and I have time to do research for cosplay and sewing.
It's interesting when Sundays come for me because they feel so much like Fridays yet still note quite. I will be doing the gym classes again this week, bringing my ear buds so I can still enjoyably work out if a class is canceled. I look forward to it. With the scheduled classes it's easy to go and then be done (I don't have to trudge to the gym then wonder what I'm going to do; instead I ride my bike swiftly!).
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in me posting about gardening (Indoors and/or outdoors)?
Let me know.

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

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