Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mâché Ole'!

Pay-pah mâché! Ole'! Alex taught me how to paper mâché tonight and it was awesome! I tried to make a bowl and idk if it'll come out good but yay for something new to paint. 
I was so tired today after last nights fun but there was no way I could say no to a paper mâché lesson. Alex is working on
making a mask form. He was to do some sculpting and maybe do a few things for a different cosplay far in the future. It makes sense since there's not too much we can do immediately for our Red Lantern cosplays. 

We re both really excited though and there's lots of healthy positivity towards being more active and being smarter with food choices. 

For me the gym and making good food choices is going well. I woke up earlier than I usually do on the weekends so I cod squeeze in a quick morning workout on the elliptical (as expressed on my Twitter). I'm feeling more energized and motivated which is always nice. 
I hope everyone had a nice weekend like me. 

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