Friday, May 23, 2014

I Am a Kitty, a Very Active Kitty

So I'm still awful at tennis. Alex and I went to play on campus and it went okay. We had fun and it's nice to be outside with him-- it's also nice to have an option other than the bicycle (give my knees a break). When we were bicycling back home from the tennis courts I realized that we still haven't made it to the pool since the start of  "summer". I think it's because we want to get out and stretch our legs. Since neither of us are swimmers, the pool is a source of relaxation not activity. 
I'm excited to say that I've been doing awesome with my workouts and activities. I told you about Soulful Yoga but I don't believe I talked about Muscle Madness. I kicked my own butt and did moves I didn't know I could do. Yesterday Alex and I went for our usual route bike ride (7 miles). Today was elliptical in the morning before work and then tennis when I got home. 
I must express how happy I am at the level of activity both Alex and I have been exhibiting this past week. I know I said before that the cosplay craftiness was helping our relationship but I definitely think that working out and doing physical activities together really makes a difference. I feel like this is why he and I work so well together; be both like to be active and do research but we have differences that make us interesting to each other. I can't imagine being partnered with anyone else for my life.

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