Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday Monday

So my skin has been itchy all weekend and it is my deepest wish at this moment that my allergy test today will help me out. It'd also be nice to not be sneezing so much anymore. It's worst at night time when I go to lay down. It wasn't nearly this bad when I took my allergy pill. Please, please, allergy person help me!

My appoint is today at 2 and before that, after I finish this post, I'll be doing my morning yoga followed by some breakfast and then some painting and Once Upon a Time. I totally got spoilers for it while at Moe's last night. Who knew that Moe's would have that channel up and didn't tell me? 
I'm not sure what's planned for after my appointment. I do need to text Katilin and ask when she's free so Alex and I can take her out for dinner to CELEBRATE (<-- Cloud With A Chance 2 reference). And just hang out. I'm around guys all the time; it'll be nice to have some girl time.
Tomorrow I think Alex and I will be taking Penny to the dog park. We try and take her at least once a week because other dogs and other people are her favorite. 

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