Monday, May 5, 2014

Don't Stab Me With An Oak, I'm Not A Vampire

I am officially allergic to everything. I mean everything. Trees, grass, animals, dust mites, etc. My allergy appointment went good-- I didn't die. Though, I did almost faint. The doctors said it was most likely because I had a small lunch; the same this has happened before and each time it was someone who didn't eat enough prior. Fortunately I had a fun group of doctors that made me almost fainting exciting. Once they had me laying back, the doctor doctor came in to check on me and instead of asking if I was alright he said "Woo! Exciting! Something happened!" With this very handsome smile on his face. We all giggled. I started feeling better. They gave me Belvita biscuits to eat before they started the full allergy tests. All the tests resulted in big bumps where the injections were administered. I am allergic to everything. Dust mites and Oak tress most of all.
Yay for being back on my allergy pills now though! The next step is to figure out how I'm going to pay for the allergy injections to slowly get my body used to everything. It'll be a three to five year process but I really feel it will be worth it because, at a 90-98% success rate, I could very potentially have a life with less sneezes, itchy throats, and asthma attacks (since allergies are one of my triggers for asthma, this would allow my broncs less opportunities to close up). I drove home feeling bummed that I'm allergic to everything but at the same time filled with hope for easier breathing and less mucus down my throat and into my chest.

You're probably wondering what's with the title. That's a joke I made with Alex about my allergies and how I'm strongly allergic to oaks. To keep it short, he asked if we could still have oak furniture. I said yes and then something along the lines of not staking me in the heart with it because I'll die from allergies and not the stake in the heart. Then I made some jokes about vampires and how if you died from a stake in the heart, you're a vampire. I said that if I were back during such a time I'd be like "But you didn't ask if I like garlic!" (I love garlic). Yeah, I know, nice story Catherine. Thanks for listening. Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and their summer break when it gets here.


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