Thursday, May 8, 2014

No Summer Time

While I will be able to enjoy the sunshine and possibly get some beach days in, this summer will be the first that I don't have a summer break. I will be continuing with my classes as well as be working pretty much every weekend (aside from that of my brother's wedding). It's tough having free time that doesn't work with that of events or Alex's free time. He can stay up late on Fridays while I can stay up late on Sundays. It'll be nice to some day have similar schedules and be able to go out on the weekends without worrying about sleep. Someday.
Today I mailed out my mom's Mother's Day gift and surprise surprise there is a "post office" just around the corner from me that I totally could have rode my bicycle to. I put post office in quotations because it's actually a shipping company that ships for USPS but don't do any of the other services. It's good to know it's there; I will definitely be riding my bike next time because it seemed pretty silly to drive there. It's kind of like living across the street from the grocery store and driving your car over even though you only need less than a few items.
After the quick trip to the post office Alex and I came back to the apartment and just hung out-- sifted through our Pokemon cards and traded some. Then we took Penny to the dog park on Davis Island which turned out to be a big success. There were numerous dogs there and they were all pretty chill. One was part boxer so they were able to help Penny play to her full potential: boxing and lots of running! I was really happy to see a Great Dane as well-- such a sweetie and so gentle with all the dogs (even the tiniest little ball of fuzz). We stayed for a little over half an hour but that was more than enough time because Penny is super pooped.
When we got home I started on some dinner: roasted potatoes, peppers, onions, and butternut squash. I think butternut squash is my favorite because I never seem to get enough of it. I love it in macaroni and cheese (I totally had the idea before I even knew Annie's has a frozen dinner of that), roasted, in rice-- there is so much potential for this marvelous winter squash.
While dinner was cooking we FINALLY watched the new episode of GOT. Yay! Good stuff, lots of great stories moving along. Overall today was a good day. I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow so I could enjoy what little summer break I have left but I have to go. It's a good job, pays well, and the people I work with are pleasant. To top it off it's pretty easy. I think I'm just ready for something different. I'm looking forward to my field work time, whenever I can finally get it started. I don't think I'll get paid for it but you never can tell, it's possible I'll land a paid internship of sorts.
Hope everyone's weekend starts off well. Enjoy the company and experience of the world around you.

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