Sunday, August 31, 2014
Annie Complex
Annie Complex: a term made up by Catherine Negron to describe the instantaneous urge for your brain to sing (loudly) Annie's Tomorrow song even though you only know that part.
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I'm packing! Tomorrow! The move is only two daaaaaays aaaaaawaaaaay!
Too much for a Sunday morning? I agree, but it's in my head so I thought I would share.
I didn't do any school work yesterday (I was actually kept very busy at work and relaxed at home because Alex may have gotten me sick) but maybe I'll have time today at work for some reading. I know i'll be in a bit of a pinch this week because of the move in and getting everything over to the new place in one piece (have I mentioned it's literally around the corner?).
I have so much to do this week AND I really really want to try getting Kaitlin's iPad back to her. I feel awful just letting it sit here on my desk but she says she really doesn't need it. I also need to make it to the other side of town to get my next dose of allergy drops (need them by Wednesday the latest because that's when my current vials are up).
For those of you who aren't religious readers of my blog, I recently posted about wanting to do something crafty every day and I will indeed be doing it. Hopefully the start will be on the 9th but it depends on when financial aid comes in.
Well, have a happy Sunday and don't party too hard (though I know many of you will take advantage of the Labor Day weekend).
Note to self: Still have to call Colie. Priority for Monday.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Butt Now (There's a Unicorn that Poops Sprinkles)
The days are flying by fast. Sometimes work can be slow but time will move as it does. Before I know it we'll be in our new place. I'm happy there are a couple people interested in the big desk. Selling it will really help us out with buying Alex a new desk and keeping the space open.
I'm really excited to have space for just dance and the patio outside to do my yoga (it's really going to suck in spring when that free blossoms out back though. My allergies are aweful but maybe the allergy drops will come to some aid by then.
On a different note, I'm really proud of myself for having a good start to the fall semester. I've been keeping up with my assignments and keeping in mind assignments that will be due in the following weeks. I know I have to interview a library professional and id really like it to be someone who teaches mini classes for using library resources (since that's what I aspire to do). The only downer so far with school, aside from the silly online financial aid thingy, is that I feel my professors are too disconnected from me. Occasionally when I've asked a question, I've been made to feel dim witted (even though the answers to my questions were indeed not made clear with the resources provided on the course site). A plus is that I've gained a skill level in my Canvas navigation. I understand how my professors are using them (though I feel some things could be done with more easy and efficiency).
I hope everyone else's semesters are starting off well (note to self: call Colie). Work your butts off because, really, who needs a butt anyway?
Friday, August 29, 2014
Bountiful 'N Stuff
As I sit here on my lunch break staring at the remnants of my potato leek soup I realize I haven't written my blog post yet today. I was going to do it this morning but I got a hit on fb in regards to the desk we re trying to sell. Then I had to scramble to finish getting ready for work. Made it on time-- I've been doin good about that these past couples months and I'm happy my managers have noticed my extra efforts. I'll need to make sure to leave even earlier next weekend as we will be at our new place! It's not farther, it's just nestled on the road in a weird way so I may need five more minutes to meet the same clock.
My seedlings that I started at work are looking good-- I'm hoping I don't take too long with the pallet garden project. The 3-4 of the bush beans are ready to be moved but I have nowhere for them yet. Bush beans are delicious and I'm so happy I'll get to grow them on our own back patio.
Something else on my mind is my school work. I have a discussion post I have to write tonight and I have yet to do the reading. The question is simple "define information literacy" so I'm sure I'll be able to gather my ideas along with the readings to give an acceptable post. Maybe work will be slow enough to allow me reading time. I doubt it-- the Friday truck is here and it's my turn to check it in. After that it'll be time to stock the floor.
On a fun note, we get this seasons seeds in finally! A bit late but I think it'll all turn out fine. We do live in Florida after all-- not much fear for frost until January.
I hope everyone's weekend gets off to a good start. I'm sure many of you who are back to school are welcoming the chance to really spend time and catch up with friends. Some of you may need a drink after a rediculously early (in the semester) exam. Whatever it is you need this weekend, I hope you find bounty.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Product of Productiveness
Today was a relatively productive day. It started out a bit slow due to my Disney's Fairies addiction but then I managed to do some readings, do an assignment, and attend my online lecture (it was a real snoozer when professors mostly just read the slides they're showing you). No gym today; I really needed a rest. So far this semester is starting at a decent pace. I'd like to pick it up a couple notches so I'm not squeezing all my work into a couple days. It really is better to devote an hour or so every day to school work-- then the rest of the time I'm free.
When I woke up this morning I realized that in just a few days Alex and I will be moving into our new place. You're probably getting tired of hearing me blab about the move but changes like these are always exciting! Who doesn't like the idea of more space to work with and walk around in. I already have quite a few plants started at work so next Friday I'll hopefully get my garden started. I can't wait to share pictures with all of you! It'll be such an experience and I'm excited to apply everything I've learned from work and thought up in my head. I really like the pots within bigger pots ideas. Similar to the picture shown above but with a larger difference between the pot sizes (and not for succulents-- though I can say I will be happy to have quite a bit of aloe in the garden). Tomorrow I'll hopefully find a nice pallet to set aside and bring home for my pallet garden project.
Good heavens, I am going to have lots of projects going on this fall! Hopefully I'll be joining the crafting club soon to have some extra opinions and ideas.
daily blog,
day 97,
grad school,
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Lift Those Books!
Big note to self: hall your butt earlier to the gym so you have less people to compete with (there were like a gazillion people hogging the workout mats trying to do weird bar-weighted moves-- and I mean the whole bar, not dumbbells or medicine balls). Despite that, I took my usual hour for arms and legs. I really need to get in some back workouts but the trouble is I'm dead after arms and legs. I know I could totally isolate different parts and do one for each day but I honestly like to get it all in in one day. I feel weird going just for arms or just for legs (honestly, I don't know how people complain about the time it takes to workout-- time flies when I'm on the floor). Perhaps it's people who spend their full 30 minutes of gym time on the elliptical or treadmill. I'm not downing on the elliptical/treadmill but, seriously, it's boring to just be on it for 30 minutes. I only do it when I need to or I'm too lazy to make the trip to campus; even then I still need good music to sing along and dance in my head to.
I'm not sure what else I'd like to share with you readers in this post. I almost have all my textbooks and doing okay with money to move into the new place and still buy groceries, thanks to my mom. The new semester is starting off okay. It looks like I have a weekly discussion for each of my classes so maybe that will keep me involved with all of them... I really hope I can keep up with my school work a little better this semester. I also hope my interests are restored once more with these classes-- I'm very hopeful for the History of Libraries and Teaching Information Literacy.
daily blog,
day 96,
grad school,
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Active Clocks
The day after another weight session, my triceps, abs, and inner thighs are feelin' it. I wanted to do muscle madness group fitness class at noon but I know that if I go my muscles will be uncomfortably be shaking the whole time. I've opted for a 4 PM Step Class and just no sweets for today. I'm hoping to cut back my sweets to a once a week treat... we shall see how it goes.
Yesterday I got to meet one of Kaitlin's friends (it was very nice to meet you Iiana!) and enjoyed a delicious small cup of Haagen Das Belgium Chocolate Chocolate ice cream. Then while Alex went to his first day of class, Kaitlin and I got whisked away in Sephora. Or rather, Kaitlin got whisked away and I marveled at her eye for colors and quality products.
As today goes on, I see that I truly cannot allow myself to remain inside through the morning and into afternoon. Doing so affects productivity and I've found it's better to get the day started with physical activity. Breakfast, then physical activity of course. It would be favorable to have more options for gym classes in the morning. I cannot allow myself to be picky when it comes to this matter. I should have gone to yoga at 10 AM.
We learn with time.
Monday, August 25, 2014
For Today
The end of True Blood; the finale of LOK Book 3; the start of a new semester. Will this one be different from the last? Will I finally meet new people and make new friends? Will I learn some crazy sewing and crafting skills? Will I ever push beyond my current yoga boundaries? As you know, I'll be moving into my new place next week. It's a pleasant fit: a new place for a new semester. Change is scary but it's good for the spirit. Our energy thrives on the changes all around us. Today may be similar to yesterday but it's always a new day. It's always a new moment. We have control over what we think and what we do. We are right now. I am responsible for making myself learn new skills and push my own boundaries. I am responsible for making new friends.
I just have to put myself out there.
Here's to the start of a new semester. Whether it starts off well or the worst ever, you can make it through. Make new memories, make it all worth it.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Put On Your Sunday Clothes, There's Lots of World Out There
Last night I started watching Outlander. I was expecting to be disinterested and bored but, to my surprise, the show is quite captivating. The sequence of time is, of course, already mixed up but in addition to this is a unique style of story telling-- a kind attempt at considering the viewer's questions (such as, how does it feel to time travel?). Claire, the main character's, personality is charming and spunky. As a nurse, everyone has a reason to like her-- even those in the time displacement. When she thinks of her husband, I find myself looking to Alex as he sleeps. It must be a terrible thing to be ripped apart from such happiness. Claire has already recognized mortality as she has lived through WWI but to be displaced in time? That is a true separation for nothing short of magic can get you there and back again.
In light of the Sunday before the fall semester begins, I reflect on what is most important to me. There was a time with school was of the highest priority but now I see that it is merely a necessary burden put upon people of our time to make their way through life comfortably. We devoute a quarter of our precious time to school and much more than that to work-- all for small yet very precious amounts of time with those we love, marveling at the beauty of the universe.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Ten Minutes
I'm not sure what else to talk about this morning other than me finally working on the new season of Legend of Korra. LOVE all the spirits, they're adorable. I want them to be a part of my next painting project. Alex wants to get me some canvas and I'm sure it'll be fun-- once again, just have to wait for financial aid (his. Mine is delayed so I have longer to wait for mine).
And I just spent a good three minutes looking for the spirits that have really caught my fancy: the one that follow Bumi (leaf bunny) and the move that Jinora uses to send for help (bunny bird). Since I'm having so much trouble finding stills of them, I'll have to move through the episodes again and pause as needed. Only thing bothersome at all about that is our poopey internet that acts up at night and freezes randomly while watching LOK.
Friday, August 22, 2014
We'll Aren't You Crafty
Since I'm already pushing to keep my daily blog posts going, it might be good to add something new. You all know Alex and I are working towards MegaCon and jittering with excitement every time we think about showing up in awesome home made Red Lantern getups. Id like to do something crafty every day leading up to the big day. Obviously this will eventually include the official Red Lantern project but prior to that there may be other costumes alongside smaller projects.
I think it would be wise to set a start date and a budget for each month. If a cosplay costume is to be a part of that month the. The budget may only be exceeded by the amount of the materials for that costume. You know I'm pretty frugal so I do not expect to need more than the budget-- let's say $50 for now-- but craftiness can sneak up the costs. As for the start date lets say September 8th. That'll give me time to move into the new place, get the fall semester going for classes, and establish a new routine in relation to the new space.
Speaking of craftiness, the semester is starting soon and I need to get in contact with the USF crafting club. I know it sounds a bit nerdy and/or grandma-y but I think it'll be a great opportunity to make new friends and get some more crafting in.
Debt Is Easy; Knowing What Is Worth It Is The Challenge
I can't allow myself to skip out on the USF gym. It'll be easier to push myself there with the gym classes.
What I would like to do every week is 1-2 weight days and the rest are group workout/cardio. Abs are going to happen everyday prior to workout. It turns out abs are a million times easier when you do them before your workout because you are (or should be) always using them when using your body.
I may need to consider doing them prior to my bike ride to the gym afte I move. It's not far away from my current apartment but I'll have a couple more minutes to add to the ride.
I hope this semester starts off well if it both school and my workouts.
I'm starting to feel uneasy about school because what I've chosen is such a different educational path (but still similar). You all know id rather just be in a yoga teacher training program but I'm already in library science... Too deep into it, too deep in debt. That's the sad truth about furthering education. No matter what you will be in debt somehow. My brother is in debt and the Navy have him a full ride to dental school.
It's one of my fears that money will be an obstacle to my dreams... I mean it already is with yoga. Perhaps my fears are horribly misplaced since life is struggle. If everything we easy, what would be the point?
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
IKEA It Up! So Ready To Move
Cartoon by Tim Harries |
Today was one of those days. It's 5 o'clock and I feel like the day went by without me.
Yesterday was lots of fun-- had a true Susy Tuesday with Just Dance and fried rice paired with Uno! It's so funny to think I hadn't played Uno with Kaitlin before last night. I'm really excited to be having more space for games after we move. We'll hopefully have a futon/sofa, too. Alex has finally got me on board and to be entirely honest, I like them because they're cheap and it'll be good to have normal seats for guests who feel weird about our sumo chairs. IKEA is going to be a big help but we're still shopping around-- and we definitely have time to do so while we wait for financial aid.
Tomorrow we are going with our friend Brandi to the mall and maybe the movies (The Giver)-- Susy Tuesday Part TWO!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Keep On Rollin'
Cute Art Prints on Etsy Kurillastration |
Fall semester starts next week. I feel like I had no summer at all... the lack of scenery change that I'm used to every few months doesn't help the restlessness I feel. This move to the new apartment will be good for me; I'll have a new space to work with and be able to create new spots for homework and such. I also look forward to getting financial aid in so Alex and I can get me a new bike that fits my height. That and I'll be able to get new bras and undies. I'm thinking Urban Outfitters-- their triangle bras are super cute and comfy.
No gym this morning, just playtime with Rinpoche and Penny while I tried to do some sun salutations.
It's Susy Tuesday so I'll probably be heading out soon to get Kaitlin and then we can Just Dance (for reals this time-- we should probably skip the cupcakes so we can).
I do have to make more calls for setting up the new apartment and such as well. The closer we get to move in day, the more excited I feel. I don't like to get excited about big events until they're really close; I think it's better than way so there's less room for disappointments.
The apron I'm working on is still in progress. I need to get double sided bias tape (especially since I cut on bias instead of on the whatever line that makes the fabric not fray as much) so that'll have to wait until we get some money in. I get paid tonight so I'll be able to pay bills and such. Woo-hoo responsibilities!
Monday, August 18, 2014
Stronger Than Britney Spears
Click for an awesome history of female bodybuilders |
I have had such a love affair going on with group classes that I forgot the rush of lifting. Don't get me wrong, I really love the group workout classes-- they're what got me into campus gyms in the first place. I enjoy being pushed and challenged and doing new moves and techniques I hadn't even thought of. With weight lifting, I feel strong (even though my wimpy little arms can barely do more than a 10 pound curl).
This morning I had an awesome first day back with the weights. My lifting was near-full body today; I was going to do lower back but I felt so light on my feet I knew it was time to finish up (not that lower back would have taken much time). Some muscles were like "whoa I thought we were done with that nonsense" while others were gun-ho and asking for more.
Now let's hope the rest of today is as productive as I need it to be- there's laundry to do and so many people and places to call about financial aid and moving into the new apartment come September.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
The Child Within Us
by moodyisajerk (dA) |
When we become adults (accept responsibilities, work, pay bills, etc.) we forget an aspect that is nearly inherent in children: an understanding that we don't have all the time in the world-- that an extra five minutes painting and coloring really does have value. You might not be able to get much more done in those five minutes, but you have them and you use them as much as possible. Splash on that paint, get aggressive with the brush, move the pencil faster. As an adult we want those extra five minutes, we want to run around with friends after school, paint our hearts out, but we allow the daunting load of responsibilities to hold us down. I'm not saying let someone else do the laundry (because there is no one else unless you live with your mother); I'm saying that don't let it consume you. Don't do the laundry and allow yourself to be 'stuck' on the computer because you have that chore to do. Open your mind to what there is to do while you're waiting for that washer to quiet or the dryer to shout.
Kids understand that they need to pick up their room, but they play while they do. When I was little I would pretend my toys were putting themselves away-- which was sometimes terrifying because at one point I thought my dolls needed oxygen so I made sure my Barbie box was cracked open so they could breathe.
When we're little we hold precious the time we have and we make the most of it. "Mom can I ride my bike with Lisa?" "Yes but only for fifteen minutes. Dinner is almost ready." "Okay!"
As adults we often groan at the thought of limited time.
As kids we understand the limitation but we let it go so we can fully enjoy what we have. Perhaps it's comfort in knowing we are given everything we need as a kid. Doing finger painting? Mom bought our finger paints, the paper, the towels, and lined the table with newspaper. She made sure we didn't wear our nicest clothes. All we had to do was show up and stab our fingers in the paint and start swirling. When everything is there, as kids, we take full advantage. Yet, as adults, there is a delay: we are concerned about a mess, about the bills-- we are absent in that moment when we should be enthralled the way a child is when they get to go to the zoo for a first time.
We forget to believe in the now and we lose something when we don't submit to the child within us-- we lose fun.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
It was fairly busy-- not as buys as Black Friday was last year-- and I'm very happy to say I got the chance to help a lot of people.
The day was paced alright for time, too. There were a few slow moments but there were always customers hanging around for raffles so it never felt dead. I was kept occupied with so many activities and questions that I did not think about the silly issues with USF Financial Aid until just a few moments before writing this. Apparently they made a mistake with how they allowed students to input their award acceptance amount so they require that everyone resubmit their IRS Tax Receipt to a specified website. Granted, this is an honest mistake that should not have happened because they get too much money to make mistakes with the money. However, they totally could have informed students of the issue sooner than the week before Fall semester begins. There is no way they let an issue with money pass without double checking.
I'd like to end my post by saying "This would have never happened at Florida State." because there is such bittersweet meaning to it: I would not have the job at Worm's Way and I would not have acquired as much knowledge about plants or discovered Cupcake Cache if I had chosen FSU instead of USF.
daily blog,
day 85,
grad school,
worms way
Friday, August 15, 2014
Death To The Pattern
Hopefully all this icky weather calms down so Alex and I can go out on our actual bicycles. |
Patterns are very frustrating. Just when I think I understand what is supposed to be done and I'm ready to sew, I realize I've messed up and need to figure out a correct or cut an additional piece out. Can you say learning curb?
In addition, I've realized I need double sided bias tape (because it says so on the package and didn't notice until I stared at it for a million years). I can do this. I want to be able to do this. Luckily I have Colie to help-- she suggested this nifty named youtube channel called Professor Pin Cushion.
On a different note, Fall classes start soon and shortly after we move into our new apartment. I'm super excited for the new apartment and hoping I can get my textbooks and whatnot in time. I don't like playing catch up because in grad school I never quite can. I want this semester to be a good one considering it will be one of my last and I need to keep my grades up.
Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with what I need and want to do that, even after focusing on the needs first I still feel flustered. Somehow I'll make it all happen!
daily blog,
day 84,
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Rosy Turmeric Soup
4-5 small to medium
potatoes cut into about 2 inch pieces
2 large carrots
1 package of extra firm
1 medium yellow onion
5-6 cloves of garlic
3 large leaves green
4-5 large leaves red
(or yellow/white) chard
3 Vegetarian bouillon
cubes or 3 cups vegetable broth
cayenne pepper
salt & pepper
1) Cut the onion into
fairly thin pieces;
Just put this here to ward off any arguments over what I mean (ahem Colie and her German). |
Put into a large soup
pot with coconut oil and turn heat on low and cook until soft and
starting to caramelize.
2)While onions are
cooking, cut the carrots in half then half again. Cut as thin as
possible unless you want thicker carrot pieces.
3) Clean and mince the
garlic cloves.
4) Clean the cabbage
and chard. Remove the thick centers of the leaves and cut into small
pieces. Chop the leaves into small pieces as well.
5) Put the carrots,
garlic, chard stems (only), and all the cabbage in. Stir,
raise the heat to medium. Stir occasionally.
6) While those are
cooking, drain and dab dry the tofu. Cut into inch pieces then spice
with a generous amount of turmeric, salt, and cayenne pepper. Try to
get both sides but if not it's okay-- more spice will be added to the
soup later.
7) Add in the tofu and
let cook with what's in the pot for about 5 minutes.
8) Add water so that it
covers everything with about an inch of water above. Bring the heat
to high. Add a few dashes of turmeric and some cayenne pepper. You
can also add more salt but if you're worried about it being too
salty, wait until the end when you're ready to serve to taste and
9) Roll three large
pinches of rosemary between your fingers to break up the leaves (if
fresh, do a quick chop, just to help release the oils more into the
10) While waiting for
the water to boil, peel and cut the potatoes (you can use any kind
though I used just regular 'ol Idaho potatoes). The smaller the
piece, the faster your soup will be done. I recommend 2 inch chunks.
11) When the water is
boiling, add in the potatoes. Stir and lower the heat to medium/medium low and
put the lid on. If you don't have a lid, no biggie, just keep the
heat on a higher setting. It should take about 20-30 minutes to finish
the potatoes. Do the fork test at 20 minutes and decide.
12) When your potatoes
are done, remove the lid and lower the heat. Add in the chard leaves
(you want to do this last because if you leave them in the whole
time, they'll get bitter from being over cooked). Stir and allow to
13) Enjoy!
daily blog,
day 83,
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Susy All The away
I've actually been doing a decent job at being a busy bee-- not always busy with what I had planned but busy nontheless. Last night I worked with a pattern all by myself for the first time. I didn't need a pattern to make an apron-- I've made a few before as gifts (with the help of Colie) and they came out awesome. I just needed to start working with patterns and getting my skill level marked. So far it's already safe to say I have a lot to learn but somehow I'll manage with Alex's support and some FaceTime help from Colie.
Last night I also played pokemon with drunk Alex and it was rather hilarious. The moment he foresaw I was going to win with my hardcharmed Yvaltl and supply of energy he tossed his cards and quit but then assured me he still wanted to play-- just not with the hand the two of us were dealt.
As for today? An awesome Susy Tuesday (last weeks was awesome too-- days with Kaitlin are generally good ones) spent chatting, cupcaking, carbs, and planning for our birthday month. Unfortunately we may not be able to do a Disney Tea Party as we thought we may be able to so we looked at tea places in Tampa and found one we liked as an alternative. Doing a nonDisney tea place makes it slightly easier to invite friends-- especially since I'll have the bigger apartment with the space downstairs. So Kaitlin and I may just do that and then do Disney Parks with Kaitlin's comp tickets another day. We are going to talk with friends about the tea party and such and see.
So as you can tell the craftiness is going pretty okay but the fitness stuff isnt quite the way I'd like it to be. I wanted to do group workouts but there are not at USF Rec until the beginning of fall. So far I've just occupied workout time with the elliptical and whatever yoga I can fit in with Rinpoche and Penny getting all over me and the mat (honestly I just do it without the mat most times though the last couple times it didn't matter-- the babies still wanted love while I did yoga). I was to do burpees and such because I remember quite a bit of my group fitness workout routines but that requires space and a ceiling that doesn't have a fan at the neither my fingers tough when in Mountain Pose. Only a couple more weeks and we ll be in the new place. I bought some seeds today for the pallet garden I'm going to do: bush beans, spinach, and then bell peppers for their own potted spot.
daily blog,
day 82,
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Zo-o You Mind?!
Thursday, my last day using the Tampa City Pass, was spent visiting Lowry Park Zoo. Alex and I made our first visit there last fall for $6 day. $6 day was like a line for free cupcakes from. Cupcake Cache while Thursday was rather empty. It took us maybe two hours to walk around and give each animal our affections and good energy. I love the zoo but the aquarium and Busch Gardens were better-- new is almost always more exciting. Though Lowry does have baby elephants! Love to see them- so cute!
Austin was definitely disappointed at the zoo, though, when he learned that the pbj sandwiches I packed for the three of us were our lunch. We weren't going to buy any food at the zoo; Alex and I really don't have much money. When we go out to places we try to bring sandwiches snacks and drinks with us so we re not spending more than is necessary. Austin did not seem to grasp this concept and it's understandable because the only time the poor kid gets to go out at home is for Friday night dinner. Normal to associate buying food out when that's the only thing that's done when he does go out. If he communicated better and spent a little less time playing games he could get his parents to take him to the bookstore or library at least.
Looking back I feel a tad sour about how I handled some situations with him throughout the week but teaching a teenager what is socially acceptable and how to communicate is very frustrating when you're not their parent.
Add this type of frustration with myself on my period and you have a monster ready to snap at an inconsiderate kid asking for a french fry from your lunch.
So the lesson for the week? Don't give me a teenage kid to take care of when I'm on my period unless they have properly learned the basics of communication and not to expect to be given things.
My Favorite
According to Alex, you're just dying to know what my favorite event of this week was. Well, I'm finally sharing it and, hands down, it was the Florida Aquarium. While this place boasts a focus of having a kid water park and aquatic animal petting stations, it really hones in on education with the ecosystem and the animals. Upon entering you are drowned in the scent of small children: baby wipes, vomit, and mothers with not enough perfume to cover it up but just enough to spice up the rather putrid scent. You are then hounded to take a photo so they can charge you $30 for it before you leave.
After pushing through this and the numerous initial strollers in the lobby, you make your way up the escalator and, after reviewing the map, turn to the right into an amazingly simulated Florida ecosystem.
Words cannot fully describe how lovely this visit to the aquarium was. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would definitely go back. Next time I'll get pictures of the beautiful little sea horses and dragons (no flash though, it'll frightening them).
After pushing through this and the numerous initial strollers in the lobby, you make your way up the escalator and, after reviewing the map, turn to the right into an amazingly simulated Florida ecosystem.
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Cute duckies everywhere! |
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Free-flying birds |
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Swimming Otter |
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The atrium ceiling for this lovely aquarium |
It was such a beautiful experience. I tried my best to get pictures of everything but, of course, I didn't get a picture of my absolute favorite: the sea horses/dragons. They were so sweet and majestic. Did you know that the majority of them are monogamous and every morning the female will come visit the male and they will do a special dance (sounds like Happy Feet but better!)? I was so enthralled with them we probably spent a good fifteen minutes just in that section.
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Painting by Patrice |
daily blog,
day 80,
florida habitat,
sea horse
Friday, August 8, 2014
Busch Gardens. Finally.
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He still loves me even though I'm a scare-dy cat with heights. |
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AH! <3 |
Luckily there's plenty to do between rides-- watch Elephants play and eat, see Kaitlin burn for Otters lol. My favorite, of course, were the elephants. They were playing and puzzling over these toys with food inside them. It was so fascinating to watch them learn.
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Baby elephant statue |
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I didn't know my phone zoomed... would've been handy at comic con. |
The Rhino Rally ride was fun too, though it should have been longer-- I want to see ALL the animals! Just like with the elephants, I find such simple magic amongst the animals-- they live and love just as we do, always working to figure things out and survive. I feel that there is some lost beauty when simplicity is overcome with frill and profit. I take comfort in thinking about how spending money at the park goes towards taking care of the animals. While they may not be in their natural habitat nor do they have the immense room to roam that they should, it's nice to see that they can still find ways to be happy... At least some of them. There are animals at zoos that when you look at them you see this almost inherent sadness in their eyes-- whether they were born in captivity or saved from unnatural injuries (bald eagles with shot wings).
busch gardens,
daily blog,
day 79,
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Featuring MOSI
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Alex making a funny face before we see IMAX Sharks at MOSI theater. |
So as I've said, I've been pretty busy. This week we bougth the Tampa City Pass which includes MOSI (plus an IMAX movie, and a planetarium show that day), two local aquariums, Busch Gardens, and Lowry Park Zoo.
On Monday, Alex and I took Austin to MOSI. It's the local museum and while many of the exhibits are really geared towards younger kids, we had a decent time. Alex and I had thought there were more exhibits in MOSI and perhaps that's because it seems like there should be so much more for family not just the kids. The 3D Printing visiting exhibit was nice yet small-- and you really can't expect too much from the 3D Printing because it's still a new technology. There was an anatomical heart that was printed, though, and it was awesome. Austin had not yet seen what the inside of a heart looks like.
Afterwards we went to another one that was informative but just... too much and not enough of the right stuff. It was about the human life and our growth and decay, pretty much. A bit too heavy at the end for me-- I go to the museum for fun and to learn stuff not to brood over negative thoughts.
There was a cool magnet section though and it was awesome. It was called Magnet Circus and you can guess the cute theme. Then there was Disaster City which simulates natural disasters and allows you to play around with toy structures and stuff to prepare for disasters. Pretty cool, actually. So if you're my age and you're planning on going to MOSI, you could probably just head to the Disaster City and the Magnet Circus and be content. You absolutely do not need the whole day for this venue-- you could get through all of it in a couple hours.
On Tuesday, we FINALLY made it to Busch Gardens. Post on this will be coming soon, we're heading to the zoo today and I need to get Alex up and make some sandwiches.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Tampa Bay Comic Con (continued)
Me with a super cute Toothless plushie! <3 |
Also, if it wasn't obvious enough, wear comfortable shoes. I know you want to look nice and stylish when you go out-- that's great, do it wearing comfortable shoes. There are fashionable comfy shoes. If you are wearing or plan on wearing a cosplay that has slightly or mostly uncomfortable shoes you are going to want a more comfortable version or just flip flops for when you take a break. I'm only saying this from observation but, trust me, I've seen enough people limping in their shoes to say this with confidence. Wear or bring comfy shoes. Period.
One last note: have fun and be social! Revisit booths that you enjoyed and ask questions about the artwork and/or merchandise. Take fun pictures with cosplayers-- getting the picture of the cosplayer is cool but if you're in it it makes it more personal and no one can say you just snatched it from the internet. I didn't take any of me with the cosplayers but I totally should have- especially after getting my official TBCC shirt (looks like the logo I shared in my previous post)!
Once the day was done, Alex and I were really tired (and bummed about the vendor hall closing) and ready to move towards and look forward to MegaCon. Doing TBCC was probably the best decision we've made so far for working towards MegaCon. Now we really have to work on building our sewing skills and getting our muscles into shape. We have some awesome Joann Fabric coupons so that's always a good start!
I have signed up and made a Photobucket. I have all the pictures uploaded now I just have to go in and edit where I can to get better views of the stage cosplays. Here is the link to my bucket.
This is the couple I dashed to the moment I saw them come in. I like to think I was the first to get them on camera. |
comic con,
daily blog,
day 77,
tampa bay comic con,
Tampa Bay Comic Con
Yesterday was Tampa Bay Comic Con and I had no idea how unprepared Alex and I would be.
First of all, prepaying for your tickets online is the best thing you can do-- the line is shorter, quicker, and you get to the vendor hall faster. At least we did that right.
Afterwards I fell into a panic because of all the people, all the tables and, well, just everything. No matter how much you think you know about your first convention, you probably don't know much. It's like a theme park. The best thing to do is just push through.
If you get there in the morning you'll have a decent amount of time to sift through the vendors. Just walk in and keep walking, looking as you go. Then once you've absorbed the atmosphere enough and you've finished your moment of panic, enjoy. Stop at booths that interest you, ask questions. Don't buy anything just yet unless you know without a doubt you have to have it and it's something unique to that vendor. Otherwise, keep looking around-- you may find something better or cheaper.
Do keep in mind how late the vendors will be at the convention; there may be events and panels that extend into the evening but vendors will be shut down prior. This happened to me. I was super bummed because I was going to make a trip back to the vendors after the cosplay competition for another super cute kawaiiuniverse sticker for my laptop. To my dismay the vendor hall was closed. So if you know you absolutely want a particular item-- go! Get it. This is a day for convetion stuff and spending money on cute things and taking pictures of everything are both definitely included.
In regards to the cosplay contest, and any other panel considered premium, get in line early. I'm talking at least an hour early. This was a small convention compared to others so for big ones you may need to line up even earlier.
Alex and I got in the cosplay contest line a little more than an hour early and we still weren't able to get the best seats-- they weren't bad either but at least we got seats.
If you don't get a good picture of your favorite characters as they get on stage, you are most likely going to get a chance after the competition.
A tip that convention regulars and cosplayers alike already know but are not obvious to all con newbies is that you don't have to do candid. You can ask people in costume if you can get a picture-- of or with them-- and the vast majority of them will be happy to oblige. When people dress up they want people to ask them for photos; they want to be noticed.
When Alex and I were sitting down for a PBJ break we watched people go by in costumes. When I saw a -------- bombshell Black Canary I had to get a photo. I went up to her and asked if I could take a picture and she was genuinely surprised "me? Really? Of course!" Not only is it flattering to ask for a cosplayers photo, it encourages them to keep crafting and artsing (yes I made that word up). While there were lots of cool cosplays I picked out the ones that caught me the most to take pictures of-- whether they be as unique as Sharknado or as detailed as the third place winner Death Stroke. However I was ready to round up all the bombshell cosplays I could find.
In addition to asking for pictures you can also ask them about the work they put into the costume. People spend a lot of time sewing and crafting their costumes and want to use those well earned brag rights!
I'm working on getting a photobucket up of all the pictures I took. I have all the ones from the camera now I gotta get the ones from my phone plus zoom in and edit for the cosplay contest stage.
I allowed myself a nerdy t shirt moment and got myself and Alex official TBCC t shirts. They were only $20-- normal tshirt price.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Made of Tin
Day after intense leg workout at Muscle Madness group fitness class? So sore it's tough sitting down. At work today I felt like I was walking like the Tin Man from Oz. It was very frustrating just as spin class was frustrating because they've both made me feel so out of shape.
I'm going to keep pushing forward because I enjoy the classes. The more often I go the less I'll feel so exhausted. That and I just need to start drinking the vegan protein again afterwards-- totally should've done that yesterday. After all those lunges? Definitely. I don't usually do lunges-- I didn't even do them with weights and I'm probably more sore than the other people that were in the class. I can do this.
Tomorrow is Tampa Bay Comic Con and there is no way these stiff legs are slowing me down. I'm so ready for my first convention. I don't have a nerdy outfit or anything but I do have my dorky nerdy self to bring and share. It will be awesome to meet new people and get to ask questions at the cosplay panels. Of course, I'm also excited for the cosplay competition! Who wouldn't be?
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