Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sake House

When this arrives on your table, sizzling and steaming, all is quiet in the restaurant. While Sake House of Tampa has a lot of hit or miss rolls that are accompanied by mayo or cream cheese, this teriyaki wonder is one to come for. It's the Tofu teriyaki and it comes with the steamed white rice, miso soup, and ginger salad. The tofu falls apart like perfectly cooked fish and is cooked, skin and all, in the teriyaki. The dish has a delightful amount of mushrooms and a decent amount of broccoli but make sure to ask for extra veggies to get this much (as I did). Underneath all you see is a thorough layer of sliced onion, contributing significantly to the over-all flavor of this sweet and flavorful dish. Worried the rice won't be enough? Trust me; it is-- especially since the tofu you are given probably equals a whole package of tofu.

I mentioned that their rolls or hit or miss and, indeed, they are. When they are hits, the flavors are very similar-- probably due to their foundation of mayo and/or cream cheese. The Spicy Tuna is more like a tuna mash with spices in it than the nice strip of tuna and spice. The Baked Salmon Roll (cooked fish), however, is a nice savory surprise. The eel sauce and asparagus make this unique roll one to add to the list of ones you should try.

Over all, this restaurant is nice, and it's really close to campus (right across from Einstein Bros and MOSI). Lunch specials are good but not as good as Koizi, the endless sushi & habachi restaurant down Bruce B Downs in the Tampa Palms plaza. I think Sake House has the one up because of it's proximity to campus. At night time, the atmosphere is appropriate for an intimate night out but even during day time this would be the case because of the dim lighting in the main/front dining room. Service is OK but not the most welcoming. Both times I've been here, Alex and I have felt like a bother to the staff instead of a welcomed customer.
If you're looking for new places to try in Tampa, this would be a good place to add to your list but don't expect too much more than showiness. Some dishes are amazing while others lack significant difference and texture from others. If you're looking to get the most for your buck and you value quantity a bit more than quality, head on over to Koizi. Lunch special is $9.95 per person for as much as you want of anything on the menu. Sake House's lunch special is more around $8/95 for two rolls from a specified group.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Race to Abs Week 2

If you know me you know that I like to make schedules but it's difficult keeping to them while keeping up with prior commitments. I'll get the hang of posting on Thursdays or just have to adjust. I'll make it work.
So I wasn't awful this past week with food but I did make and eat cookies and had a tiny piece of pie (I actually mean tiny). I did good with avoiding processed foods aside from some crackers on the road trip home. Veggies have been a delight each day and were much appreciated while at my parent's for Christmas. It's sad to say but I was actually quite hungry for the couple days I was there. It's tough being a mostly-vegetarian person in a home where the main staples are chicken and white rice. My family does their best to make adjustments but it's tough.
I've been working on getting lots of kale back into my weekly diet as well as the wonderful oil of olive. Sweets are yummy but I'm going to work harder on kicking those out by replacing them with tea, an apple, or even a banana-- my banana cookies would be a good choice here too.
So the measurements for today are:

40" shoulders
33.5" chest
29" under bust
9.5" biceps
27" waist
31" belly button
36" hips
37.5" butt
20.75" thighs
14" calves

The changes are small but they're still changes-- credit to my time on the elliptical, sit-ups, and yoga. Once the campus gym is back on regular scheduling, it's back to the weight floor for me! Oh, and the rowing machine will get to see me again, too, of course.

There was some gossip going on about my last photo and I'd just like to clear the air in regards to the public-access of the image of me in my underwear. I viewed it as equivalent to wearing a bathing suit, which it is, but our society views a two piece and a bra and underwear as entirely different articles of clothing, even though they cover the same amount of body. So, I figured I would just wear my workout clothes and then at the very end I'll buy a new bathing suit or something and flash everyone with my new abs. Here's me in my new workout clothes (thanks mommy!).

Friday, December 20, 2013

"Same-sex" Marriage

Okay so this is the hot topic of the season with the catholic school that allegedly forced the vice principal, who married his same-sex partner of numerous years, to resign. I just want to put my own thoughts out there since everyone else is being quite vocal about it.
All this fuss and religious hubbabaloo over someone who married another someone that they love. What if we are all actually the same sex spiritually? The idea of female and male being different is a convention. Yes women can bear children and yes men have an organ outside their body. But what about all our happiness?
We fight for equality and freedom yet we confine and prohibit the very essence of many beings. Who are we to decide what will make another being happy? Who are we to berate and put down the choices of another that cause no harm to themselves or others?
Are those who do such things so afraid that there are no limits? So afraid that maybe the only thing that sets boundaries and "normalities" is social convention, not an actual law of the universe?
Life really isn't all that difficult when you take others into consideration. What is the point of it all if there is no love? 
Within me is an essence that recognizes the essence within all other beings and I believe that there should be no gender and no law that confines true love to the constructs of social conventions. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Race to Abs

So my boyfriend challenged me with a Race to Abs. The point of the challenge is whoever gets abs (ahem, or the 'best' abs) by June 2014, gets one wish-- absolutely anything and the other shall grant it. The prize isn't all that exciting or motivating for me since there is nothing I would need to use the wish for. My wishes are so small, if not nonexistent, that they're granted when it's the right time.
In order to whip up an exceptional amount of motivation, I'm going to use my blog to track my progress. My plan is to take a picture of myself once a week in my underwear and post it here. If you want me to include my meals and workouts, I can though they always vary. 
Now, you know Christmas is just around the corner and I'll be heading home to PSL on Monday and staying until Friday-- so that's a challenge in itself; being vegetarian in my parent's house is about as hard as getting Rinpoche to play with his plastic balls with bells inside (if it's made for a cat, he mostly doesn't want it). 
Thinking about it, this Race to Abs is a bit different for me. This sort of goal has never been on my list before just because I thought I'd have to give up my sweet treats entirely. Well, that and I've just never had the desire to actually go for a sculpted core. I've just always wanted to be healthy and fit (and I actually don't consider a sculpted core to be a mandatory part of the fitness image). 
While my main fat store is indeed my lower abdomen, a small portion of sweets once a week won't hurt-- as long as I portion and balance my meals for the rest of the week.
So, challenge accepted, baby. Challenge accepted. Here's my photo for this week. Day 1.

Annnnnnd there's Rinpoche wondering what I'm doing. Hehe I guess I'll be taking pictures of him as well. He never allows me to go to the bathroom without him. 

I'll only post these measurements now and then at the end. I'll keep a record in Excel just to see my progress and give me that push towards the end. 

40" shoulders
33.5" chest
29" under bust
9.5" biceps
27" waist
31" belly button
37" hips
38" butt
21" thighs
13.75" calves

Alright let's do this! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Old-fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies

December 11th, did I have a cookie for breakfast? You can bet your festive stockings I did! Last night I made the best impulsive cookies ever! I was going through the 12 Days of Cookies from Food Network and suddenly got the hankering to bake cookies. I originally wanted to give Jeff Mauro's Spumoni Cookies a try but the low cooking temperature deterred me. The last time I baked cookies at 325 degrees, they ended up extremely dry and crumbly-- not an ideal cookie texture. So, it's safe to say I did not go for the Spumoni Cookies. Instead, I went with an Old-fashioned Peanut Butter Cookie recipe sponsored by Nestle Toll House. 
Now, if you know me, I rarely ever have everything I need for any sort of baking recipe. Luckily, this time, I had almost everything! The only thing I lacked was two sticks of butter; I only had one. So I cut the entire recipe in half. If you're a baker, you know that even cutting everything exactly in half, different results are given because, after all, baking is indeed a science. So, I halved the recipe-- all say for the egg. I just threw the whole thing in there. I also didn't make the dough balls a rounded tablespoon. They may have been closer to 2 1/2 tablespoons in size. It doesn't matter, they were ideal-sized cookies. 
In addition to keeping to the whole egg, and making the ball sizes bigger, I had to adjust the cooking time (of course!). I started by doing the suggested 8-10 minutes then tapped the top of one of the cookies-- too mushy still. I let it cook for 4-6 minutes more. Keep an eye on them; check in two-minute intervals after 10 minutes. This depends on the size of your cookies.
Once they did their time in the oven, I let them sit on the pan for four minutes, then I scooped them off to dry on the cookie rack (a.k.a. my toaster oven rack that I placed on the counter). 
One bite and these became Alex and my new go-to home-baked cookies (as long as we have actual butter in the fridge). They have a slight crisp on the edges, and soft buttery-chocolate goodness on the inside. A very nice treat to wake up to in the morning. Give it a try and let me know how it turns out. Maybe it'll make it onto your Holiday Cookie Gift Bag List!

Note of Changes (some not mentioned above):
Halved the recipe
Kept to whole egg
1 part dark chocolate chips, 1 part semi-sweet chocolate chips
Larger dough ball size
Generous sprinkle of granulated sugar instead of the weird cup-dipped indent thing noted in the recipe itself.
Cooking time ~15 minutes

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hello There, World

It's been quite some time since my last post. I've allowed myself to be engulfed in Vampire Diaries via Netflix, along with a few other shows available to me through Xfinity. While I do indeed enjoy these shows, I look up from this screen and I see my tea untouched, my homework piled, my other half immersed in Dr. Who or Minecraft. I see the world that we, as people, seem to make into a medium rather than the actual fruit of our lives. We walk to class, the library; we go on a trip to Disney World, but are we really there 100%? How much of our lives do we spend on Facebook or watching marathons of shows and movies?
Let me say it again, there is nothing wrong with enjoying your favorite show or movie but what happens when we delve so deep that we wake up wondering whether we're finally going to find out exactly how Elena Gilbert becomes a vampire instead of wondering if it'll rain today-- or even what we will do to fill in the time between what absolutely needs to be done?
I am guilty of allowing myself to fall down a self-made rabbit whole of obsession. I've kept up well enough with my homework and yoga but I haven't breathed life into my work or loved habits... they simply were routine.
So. This is me admitting to the world this obsession.
This is also me apologizing to myself. Life is short and by dedicating far too many hours to the computer screen, I've missed out-- or, at least, potentially missed out. I may not have missed out one week but when I finally come up for air from this obsession, I see responsibilities that need to be cared for. They could have been cared for earlier to keep room open for new experiences but instead they were spent ogling Damon Salvatore. I don't want to miss out. I don't want to live through a television show. I want to breathe fresh air and meet new people, make mistakes, and feel everything that comes along with the experiences.
I need to work on moderation. Moderation with television shows as well as sweets. Two birds with one stone.
So here's to more time spent on assignments and projects, trying new recipes, reading, writing blog posts, taking pictures, exercising, and spending quality time with Alex. I wish you all the same and best.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Body Is A Playground For Rinpoche

My little angel has finally joined us in our new home and, at first, I was very heart-broken because I was worried he would never adjust. He was so skittish, never wanted to come out from under the bed, and barely presented the opportunity to hold him. But now he's getting out more (even though we have to lock in out of the bedroom to make sure that he puts an attempt at being social) and is even getting involved with my morning yoga!
Upon peeking around the corner, out to the living room where I was doing my morning practice, sweet Rinpoche raced to me to rub his fuzzy wittle self on my face while in down-dog (a-choo). Apparently, my body is a playground for him and my practice is all the better for it. Instead of stepping up to forward fold from my down-dog, I decided to do another vinyasa with consideration to the little bundle of love laying on my mat just below my stomach. Excellent form. My limbs were strong and unshaken, knowing that I would squish the poor thing if I was at all lazy. With no care for my perfectly safe movements above him, Rinpoche moved off the mat in search for another way to be adorably distracting.
Oh, little Rinpoche. <3

Friday, October 11, 2013


The energy we use, the energy we create, the energy we release during practice is not for ourselves.
We use, create, and let go of things for others-- to be compassionate.
We welcome positive energy within us when we're on the mat
and release the negative, breathing in the balance that permits harmony.
The harmony of inhale and exhale that makes life not only possible, but magical.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Grad Students and Vinyasas-- Wherever They Can Be Fit In!

It's been quite a while since my last post. A lot has been going on but little worth writing about and not much time to spare. I've recently subscribed to Elephant Journal, the wonderful all-around-health-centered online journal. $13/year for unlimited reads and views. Pretty good since I always end up on the site; two free articles a day wasn't cutting it.
My yoga practice has been good though there have been a few days where I haven't done it, like today, because I've had to wake up early for work (like 4 AM kinda early) or because I partied hard (well worth it). In the end, it's all about getting right back on the horse. No time for yoga in the morning? Not allowed to skip the next day. I've noticed I have trouble with physical activity as well as mental stamina when I don't do my morning vinyasas. It's becoming more and more clear that yoga is apart of me and I don't think I'm going to ever be able to be my happy self again without it. There's only so much energy your body can accept before it becomes congested. Just like with the practice, you have to exhale anything that does not serve you-- let it go.
I really miss my yoga classes :( Once again I am without one because the instructor canceled it. I haven't encountered her since her last class so I'm not sure why; perhaps she had trouble with class scheduling and assignments. I'm definitely in the same boat with two jobs and being a full-time grad student.
I just need to kick my butt to a new class; the trouble is time. The other class I'm interested in attending is a Power Yoga class but it's at 7pm on Sundays. Very tough working and being a student... I'll need to make some more choices soon and I may have to disappoint some wonderful people at work.
Luckily my mom is always there reminding me that, in the end, I have to consider what I need and that I'm a student.
Well I'm about to crash. I'll try not to take so long with my next post.


Monday, September 23, 2013

AzodicarBut I Thought My Bread Was Fresh Made?

Big question for the food businesses and industries out there: Why can't you just serve food? Like, the stuff that occurs naturally--in nature. You know, the areas of the world untouched by industrialization and the rape of the word food?
I was recently reading an article on yet another additive to food products (I stress the difference between food and food products because real food shouldn't involve so many steps to make it into your bowl or onto your plate.). This specific additive is called Azodicarbonamide and it has multipurpose use: foamy plastics and fluffy breads. Like, edible breads-- the ones you eat from Subway.
Why add crap to our food products? To keep them products. It's not about nutrition, it's just about sale. It's not about health, it's about triggering that sugary clasp in your mind to keep you coming back for more... to keep selling.
When I read articles like these it reminds me why my mind and body has changed so much since I started focusing my meals on fresh ingredients (except oatmeal; I may want to start looking into the brands of instant I buy) and made it a goal to eat as little out of boxes as possible. Yes, produce has the issue of pesticides but at least I know I have the organic option as well as vinegar wash to help minimize unnaturals from my food.
I'm feeling really frustrated, the more I think about it. No other country does what we do, to the extent that we do.
The US is the land of opportunity and, unfortunately, the opportunities are seized by big corporations and make food into products. The death of bread, cheese, juice, and the like seems inevitable. Why would someone buy fresh when they can buy a loaf that will never mold or harden over a year's time? Why would anyone want to actual eat a naturally nutritional food item instead of a product of a long toxic process that supports an unhealthy American diet?

End of rant for desire for real food everywhere.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Drop the Bags

From YogaLouStudios' Pinterest
My yoga practice has been doing well. It's the first thing I do when I wake up-- second, actually, to feeding Mr. Turtle and watering my plants. I've started attending a yoga class again and I'm happy to say I found another wonderful instructor. Kristen's class at the USF Rec Center is mostly driven by the requests of students but the compilation works almost seamlessly. If you know me personally, you probably know that the physical aspect of yoga isn't enough. For me, it goes into one's self and helps you breathe in the life around you.
Each yoga instructor has their own philosophy about what yoga does for the body and mind and it becomes more clear each time you attend their class. You can tell by the words they choose and the sorts of encouragement they provide. Kristen's phrase is one that really solidified my liking for her style; whenever we exhale, she says "Let anything go that does not serve you."  She tells us to be in the moment and enjoy it knowing that there is no where else but on our mat that we need to be. Letting go is difficult for many people, but when numerous things pile up that provide nothing but negative feelings, I'm the first to drop it and breathe. Why hold onto something if it causes you nothing but stress? In the practice, you have to let go of all that baggage because it shows through the practice; it holds you back. It may not hold you back physically, you could very well be doing strong hand stands, but you will feel shaky inside if you are thinking about financial troubles on your mat.
I've found it improves my own practice to just let it all go, if only for a little while. That's one thing about baggage-- it's always waiting right where you left it.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Mary Rose Quote

Do you ever come across a quote that really touches you, only to find that it follows you and reminds you of your lesson? This is one for me.

"What if gravity was a form of love and from her very core the Earth was holding you to her, whispering in your ear, 'I'll never let you go. We're in this together.'" - Mary Rose

I'm trying to find out who Mary Rose is and/or if this is from a book but nothing so far. Let me know if you have an idea.

Friday, August 30, 2013

For the Not-So-Vegan Chef Within Me

Behold the loveliness of fancy scrambled eggs!

2 eggs
mild cheddar cheese
1/4 tomato
1/8 onion
fresh organo
s&p tt
canola oil

Make it like scrambled eggs, just, before you put the eggs in, saute' the onions and tomatoes until very soft and falling apart. Add spices to the eggs then beat 'em up in a mixing bowl. Then let those unborn chickies swim with the onions and tomatoes. Swoosh around in pan until cooked to desired consistency. 
Transfer to plate, add sprinkle of cheddar cheese, then top it with a sprig of fresh oregano. 
Ta-da! Bon apatite! 

Alex loved this one-- and he's not even a breakfast person.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Breathing and Showing

After finally getting settled, I've done my first morning of yoga. Yes, reader, it's been a while. My gosh I've missed it. I shouldn't be surprised; yoga is beneficial to the mind body and spirit. The flow of the breath and body, the concentration and relaxation of the mind-- it's all utterly and magnificently tiring yet energizing. Because it's been a while, my arms and legs continue to shake after my practice. It's addicting, this soreness, and I don't see why I ever allowed myself to blah out of it. Probably the unsteady work schedule of the movie theater. Now that I can nearly make my entire schedule, I can fit it in when I need to.
As for being mostly vegan, it's going okay... minus the ice cream, fish, and eggs. Okay, so I'm the world's worst vegan but at least I admit it. I make an effort to get protein in other ways, it's just tough when all those processed vegan burgers/patties/crumbles and hummus get me gassy. It's not pleasant so I try other routes like almond milk, peanut butter, peanuts, sometimes almonds (but those are expensive and I'm a broke college student again), as well as legumes. I'm trying new recipes so we'll see how it goes.
So you've all been waiting to see my new apartment and I've been wanting to show you but, unfortunately, I'm very much like my mother and prefer to only show my home when it's clean and tidy. Now that's it's finally okay to display to the public, here are the pictures you've all been waiting for.

Hehe, I caught Capn' Merrica.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Movin' On In

So we re finally here in Tampa! It's our first morning and we still have quite a bit of unpacking to do.  The best way to do it? One room at a time. If there's more than one set of arms to unpack, have one work on the bedroom so when you're tired you can pass out without having to push a bunch of boxes off the bed. Alex and I both tried working on the bedroom together but it works out better to let each person put their personal items and clothes away individually. I let him put his stuff in first since he had more boxes to go through and I was antsy to get the kitchen unpacked and setup. I can't wait to show you, guys! You may have to wait until tomorrow to see because I still gotta unpack my clothes and we need to setup the desk/computers/TV stuff. And get rid of boxes. And find screws to put up wall hangings (that may have to wait until our next trip to Walmart).
Speaking of Walmart, there is too high a number of crappy Walmarts... Seriously. Back in Tally, the one all the way up Monroe was small but at least it had the full grocery section and a decent size of everything else! This Walmart on Dale Malbry had a laughably small "produce section." I put quotes because I can't really call three of the black bin stands with hardly any produce a real section. Then there was so little of even boxed foods! Can you say cray? I thought they'd gotten rid of all the crappy Walmarts. I guess Tampa holds on to old things well. 
Anywho, I'm excited to be here and so far it's going well. Still on the job hunt and still hoping Alex gets the transfer with Regal.  Fingers crossed for the Disney Store. 
Here's a peek at the living box room. 
Hope you have a great Saturday. I look forward to sharing my new home with you. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

No More Religous Prejudice or Judgement

When reading something, have you ever had a moment where you are emotionally startled-- not because something has frightened you, but because something make so much sense and you haven't a clue why the concept or idea did not manifest itself early. From past posts you've mostly noticed I enjoy following the Daily Cup of Yoga blog.  Don't get me wrong reader, I find quite a bit of the extremist "yogi" mumbo-jumbo to be just that. But even then, I am able to  find something quite significant within the message they are presenting: a message within the message. The article may be about renunciation of the world but between the lines I find some advice still relevant to me-- a person who wants to be with others and wants to experience culture.
The most recent post I read from them, "7 Ways to Have Tantric Experiences," is the epitome of everything that has been reverberating to me from this blog. It has put into words what I have been feeling since freshman year at Florida State-- that there may not be only one god, that maybe deja vu is something real and the most direct link to past experiences, and, most of all, that life is for life. Life is not to obtain freedom. Life is for compassion and exploration. Life is to always be curious to the universe around us, to accept that we will never completely comprehend everything or anything. To renounce the world... well, I don't believe it'll make me any happier than I am now. We are social creatures and, if we were to rid of prejudice and judgment, we could be happy together in harmony. Such things are romantic notions but entirely possible. Set aside ego and superiority. Set aside insignificant differences between individuals. In the end, we are all family; we are all connected.

Here is a quote from the post which I have linked to, above:

"7 Ways to Have Tantric Experiences

  1. Recognize that everything is cosmic.
  2. Don’t renounce anything.
  3. Embrace the tough stuff.
  4. Ask yourself: what is this here to teach me about my true nature?
  5. Watch for signs and symbols.
  6. Know that abundance is just as spiritual as renouncing money, if not more so.
  7. Enjoy good, healthy sex."  -L

Friday, August 2, 2013

I Didn't Forget You

I realize it's  been a while since my last post and that's mostly due to trying to get my Avon going and getting everything setup for Tampa. Just when I think I'm done, there's something else that comes up. As for Avon, it's going fairly well. It'll be tough starting all over in Tampa; at least I'll be going out more and seeing more people so that should help pick up my business over there.
I never updated you on my running did I? Well, I did indeed go for a run the next morning.  I drank a glass of water and beat the rain. Unfortunately, I found little to no enjoyment in the activity. My poor wittle ankles and knees are not made for the pounding on cement. Happily, I'll have gym access in two weeks (holy cow, there's only 14 days until Tampa!) so I'll have wonderful cycling, yoga, and other fun classes to go to to get active and involved. Note to self: apply to the USF gym. 
I'm so excited that I'm getting anxious and nervous! 
Anyway, running is a no-- at least in the streets. I shall be a proper lady of modern day society and run on a tredmill that treats my joints gently. Maybe I'll find some non-paved trails for running-- there is a big park next to The Claw (USF's golf course). USF doesn't have fun names like FSU does... I'll have to find out more or make them up.
I hope I don't have as much trouble meeting people as I did at FSU. I didn't make friends really until Junior year when I joined my sorority DNZ. Then I didn't make any significant connections until Senior year. Yeah... nope. Not going to allow it to take so long-- I'm going to be aggressive with friendships! BE MY FRIEND! Please. :) And then I'll offer to make them some tea and lunch. No one ever took me up on that offer before... so definitely be more aggressive about getting them to spend time with me. Yes. 
As for the mostly veganism, it hasn't been going so great because of how tight money has been and the upsetting forgetfulness of my parents to buy more than onions, peppers, and potatoes. Like I've said before, I'll have an easier time when I'm in control of what goes into the fridge and pantry.
All that's left to get Tampa done, now, is pay for utility setup, pay for internet, pick up moving truck, find job, move in, and get settled. Oh, then I have a list for Tampa, too. It included meeting my department head, getting my USF ID (I gotta snatch up that gym access!), and decide on local grocery stores/ market places. The big ones left are the move and finding a job. I'm hoping for a position at the Disney Store in the International Mall but there's also a possibility of working at a sushi restaurant (yum!). 
Well, I think I'll let you go for now. My car has been finicky and giving her a bath usually makes her happier.
Have a great weekend!


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Another Blab About Change and Moving

From finding a place, getting utilities set up, and gathering/packaging all the necessities, moving is a big adjustment. I've been talking a lot about change in recent posts but that's exactly what this move is. It's a big step for me personally as well as the future of Alex's and my relationship. I'm excited to make this move forward into our lives-- seeing it evolve into even more wonder. As we get closer to the big day I get more and more nervous because of money and getting everything together. I know it'll work out but it's just the smaller the time, the more I just want to get going.
It certainly doesn't help me that I have so much pent up energy from being in psl: you drive everywhere, it costs money to go out-- there's just really nothing active to do. Bicycles and walks/runs are great when it's not raining and work at the movie theater doesn't deprive you of proper rest. Excuses, I know, but they are what they are.
Once we re moved in we ll be able to adjust and create our schedules. I'm really hoping for a job at the Disney Store in the International Mall. It would be a spectacular and welcome change of scenery in the work place. If not, I'm also hoping for at least a temp job at the USF bookstore on campus. 
Regardless, it's coming. I'm ready.

Before I let you go for now, reader, what would you think about some videos on here? Likes videos of me moving and whatnot? You've never been really responsive before but I figured I would ask.

Sweet dreams. 


When I look at footprints in the sand, I wonder who that person is, where they are going, what their hopes and dreams are; I wonder if they wonder the same thing when looking to the sand. Do they think of what others will think when we look at the sand? Are we all wondering together across the space and time of that ever changing patch of sand?
These are but a few thoughts tha cross my mind at the beach-- the evanevence of each grain of life. Each little piece of sand as a reminder that life exists only with change. The ocean understand just as the ground beneath our feet. 
Do thoughts even matter until we give them a measure of importance? I know for sure that each breathe and each intention echoes throughout reality-- whether I be black or white, human or any other animal in the world.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Pick Your Feet Up

I just want to admit it and let it go like carbon dioxide: I'm really burnt out with working at the movie theater. It really is time for a change and I'm happy the move for Tampa is coming soon. This move presents lots of opportunities and I hope to take advantage of them.
I'm still nervous but excited at the same time. Once the move starts, I'll be all the happier.
An update on my mostly veganism: I had eggs this morning and I didn't feel the delight I used to. The taste is different. It's not hard for me to believe because when I went pescitarian, I didn't enjoy beef or pork anymore either. And now I don't enjoy any flesh other than fish. 
A down side lately is that I've been feeling quite faint and lacking in energy. Yesterday my momma bought be new sneakers; I'm hoping that getting myself into running outside (as opposed to my past experiences on the treadmill at Leach gym) will help. Ill be sure to keep posting about that. I will start tomorrow morning. Ill need to wake up early to avoid too much heat-- this is Florida after all. 

They're ready. I am, too. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Moving to West Coast of the Sunshine State

I do indeed look forward to moving into my new place. In fact, I'm getting quite antsy and anxious to get the move started. Alex and I have been working on furniture and gathering necessities for our first place together and, though it be small, it is quite a bit of work to make sure everything is lined up. Dealing with the apartment complex is by far the biggest struggle thus far, and I hope it remains the most difficult part.
I'm hoping for a smooth transition but we're still both seeking out jobs in Tampa. We've got just about the right amount saved up and heading our way to make the move and take care of initial payments but there's still minor expenses and getting settled to be worried about (on top of getting started with school).
It's always crazy feeling such excitement and nervousness paired together but, trust me, it is normal. I've made similar moves back and forth to Tallahassee so I know how to handle it. Granted, this one is different because it involved furniture and a whole 'nother person. I know we can do this-- I just want to get going!

No one has replied about the yoga group-class I had suggested earlier in the summer so I guess everyone's pretty busy. I don't blame you. Summer can get hectic even though it's meant to be vacation time. The offer still stands if anyone finds some free time. I won't make you do head stands or anything, I promise. (i'm not anywhere near that, anyway).

On another note, I just want to give you a link to my favorite blog Daily Cup of Yoga; it's positively wonderful. They don't post daily but, when they do, it's inspiring and uplifting. The most recent post really warmed me.

I hope your summer is going by with lots of cool breezes and sunshine!


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Avon Lady In Line

You may have noticed that I am now an Avon representative. If not, then now you know! Please feel free to visit my website to shop around and have products delivered to you directly. In case you haven't been kept up to date, or you know nothing about Avon, it is a company that sells much more than makeup. They also sell body wash/lotion/spray, clothes, baby items, and jewelry.

Being a part of this new community has some similarities to being in a sorority: You get an Avon Mom, you have meetings with her and opportunities to meet with the other ladies. It can be competitive but it's all about helping each other, etc.
What's really interesting is that my Avon Mom, Danette, teaches vegan classes at the local Nutritionsmart. Unfortunately she won't have any more classes until August but you can bet I'm looking forward to it! Such a small world we live in-- there are connections to all those around us and what we perceive to be far beyond.

Since I've joined Avon, I've been considering the idea of making videos to post here on my blog about products that I have used and/or use now. Expanded upon that, I was thinking of showing you my own makeup and skin care how-to's. What do you think? Let me know!


Monday, June 24, 2013

Naiya Sushi! Naiya!

Let's keep this simple. Naiya Sushi is amazing. You should go.
Prices are about the same as any other Japanese-Thai restaurants but the potent and elegantly balanced flavors make this little gem stand out from all the others-- even my original go-to place in Tradition, FL: Sake Too. The spicy tuna is so fresh and formed. When you start chewing, you get that nice little kick; then, it's gone and you want more. The volcano rolls are wonderfully robust and filling. One of these rolls is likely to appease any appetite. The roll that really stood out was the Red Lady. I believe this one is special to the house but it's so simple, it's classic! The Red Lady roll is basically a California Roll with a nice piece of Tuna set atop like a perfect-fit hat. So well-rounded and light yet satisfying!
As for the Thai food, Alex and I ordered Fried Tofu (pure genius!) that was served with sweet and sour sauce, as well as the Pineapple Fried Rice (No chicken, just extra veggies). For the Fried Tofu, you have to eat it to believe the delicious savory treat this is-- just like a chicken nugget but more light. For the Pineapple Fried Rice-- a divine mountain of food. This dish holds it's own and, even with two people, will send you home with leftovers. Sorry it didn't make it into picture-form. It was just too good-- and I was too hungry!-- to stop and take a picture before diving in.
The icing to this delicious meal was a glass of Takara. Takara is a plum wine (I've finally found a wine I enjoy!) and it's sweet without being overwhelming. The alcohol is very faint but just present enough to balance out the existing sweetness. I seriously enjoyed this so much, Alex and I went to Total Wine afterwards and found a bottle-- only $7! It is now on the future special-occasion drink list.
Takara Wine

Spicy Tuna Roll
(what was left by the time I remembered to take a picture)

Fried Tofu

Sandridge (from left:) Volcano Roll, Red Lady, Sushi & Sashimi,
Chef's Samplers (Seaweed &, I think, some sort of dried crab/octopus thingy)

Volcano Roll & Red Lady = Heaven:
a little of heavy and a little bit of light.

Sushi & Sashimi

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mostly Vegan-- Mostly.

I was going to finish writing a post on flatulence and how I've been having some pretty stinky ones since I made the switch to veganism. It does take time for the body to adjust but I'd say a week of gassing my boyfriend is enough to determine two things: (1) he's a keeper for leaving the room but still willing to come back and kiss me and (2) something needs to be done so I don't kill him or anyone else. I was going to discuss how and why the body produces -ahem- flatulency but after today's overwhelming hunger and exhaustion-- and boredom of tofu-- I've determined that I'm going to try for a mostly vegan lifestyle.

It's pretty much what I've been doing for the longest time, just with less eggs, chocolate, and fish. Not too hard after this past week but eggs are much too yummy to ban from my breakfast forever. Vegan pancakes are awesome but tofu scramble can't entirely replace the yumminess of eggs. So there will be eggs, just not every morning like it used to be. I need the variety in my diet and, being a person who loves food, I just can't say no all the time to my perky, little, unfertilized embryo. So hello again to Freddies and Eggies in a Basket!

After a Google search on veganism I found this NYTimes article on how common it is for people to be vegans most of the week or month but then they have a day or so for them to not be vegan. Still a lovely effort towards more veggies in my opinion. 

Oh, and in case you were wondering, mint teas and real mint/extract help a little with the stinkies. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Going Vegan

Going vegan is not that difficult-- as long as you get to buy all of your own groceries. The moment other people and being on the go become involved, it gets complicated. My biggest problems are: eating over Alex's house (his family hasn't even adjusted to support him being vegetarian so vegan is absolutely a challenge there) and breakfast. 
Ill have a vegan breakfast but ill still feel hungry if its not oatmeal. I definitely need to have more food an hour later or something with significant protein to help offset the absence of eggs. To be entirely honest, I do miss eggs. 
However, I may have found a solution: tofu scramble! This morning I gave it a try and I wasn't disappointed. 
So I'm definitely still learning and I can't say I've managed to avoid meat products entirely: milk in the mashed potatoes at Alex's house, and chicken broth used to make the rice in my moms arroz con pollo. With some time and the opportunity to buy all my own groceries (like when Alex and I finally move in together in August!), Im sure this can work. I do love my veggies. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Another -ism that pops up often for me? Veganism. I've stated before I am lactose-intolerant and I only eat eggs for breakfast and then ice cream and fish on occasion (of course not together). This often leads to the public suspicion that I am vegan, which is not a bad thing, but a curious one when I take into consideration the reactions to my answer. These range from confusion, misunderstanding, to disappointment.
The most recent one was disappointment and it got me to thinking: "why not try vegan?"
I spoke with Alex about the idea and he asked what kind of vegan I would want to be and I had to consider super veganism, and just plain vegan. I categorize super-veganism as no honey, no anything at all made from animals (this is not limited to food). As I am a person who enjoys the few quality items I do own, such as my leather purse, I will not be doing super veganism. Why would I want to cut out honey anyway? Honey is more often than not harvested from un-harmed bees and  when they are used for harvesting honey they are provided with substantial circumstances that allow for best health and reproduction. I say, go bee farmers! for helping the bees progress in their productiveness.
That said, it will be a little difficult to give up the occasional ice cream but there are so many delicious vegan ice cream options like coconut and soy milk ice cream. My biggest challenge though will be weening off the eggs. Eggs have been a part of my breakfast for quite some time and I've relied on them as a big source of my daily protein intake. I absolutely love the taste of them and they help me start my day.
I feel that giving veganism a try will give me a push to create new meals for breakfast and find even more sources of protein to get the day started.
So far today I've done good. I ate a whole wheat english muffin with peanut butter, raisins, a banana, and almond milk. An hour or so after I ate stir-fried mushrooms and spinach with almonds.
Unlike today's breakfast, which I had to follow up soon after with veggies, I know eating my fancy oatmeal will keep me full for quite a while. The problem is I don't want to rely on oatmeal every day. Perhaps I need to broaden my horizons for what can be eaten for breakfast. There's vegan pancakes and waffles but I dont want to be limited to wheat products or eggs substitutes. I want to eat real food-- food that comes from the earth. I'm thinking my research into pre-yoga drinks will be a big help with this.

That being said, I know you're all wondering how my new little angel is doing and he's doing wonderfully. He had flees when I first got him but I think a bath, and Colie's determination to hand-pick off each one, has done the trick. No scratching, and no sight of any icky bugs. Just to be safe, I'm still going to use the flea, ear mite, worm medicine that should be in the mail soon. Here's the cutie pie being just CUTE! And his big brother sleeping on a chair, being his adorable, fat kitty self.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunshine In the Sunshine State

Another lovely morning for yoga outside. I even got a cute tan line from my strappy top!
I've recently decided to just hold off on my attempts to find somewhere affordable to get certified and just work on my own personal practice. I have considered teaching some friends or just providing an open space to practice along-side me and I think I'd like to do that since I have so much free time. Anyone on my friends list, or even friends of friends, let me know if you're interested. Male, female, young, or old just bring a mat, towel, water bottle, and a desire to flow. I'm not looking to make it advanced since I'm not very advanced myself but its totally cool to do your own thing. 
I'm working on a playlist now and once I have that settled and I see who's interested I'll set this up.
On an sweet and cute-sie note, my father surprised me with a male Siamese kitten today and he is now the newest member of the Negron-Seavey family. His name is Rinpoche (yes, right out of Breakfast With Buddha--one of my favorite novels) and, true to the name, I'm sure I will have much to learn from him as be goes through potty training and other big adjustments like learning to be okay with Sheba, my parent's German Shepherd-Chow doggie.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How Not To Make A Pre-Yoga Morning Juice

Attempt number one consisted of:
Broccoli, gala apple, almond juice, and honey. 
I can tell you right now broccoli is not meant to be in juice. It was so oddly textured and I think it may just be me because I don't like raw broccoli. Perhaps ill give the almond milk, apple and honey a chance by themselves next time. 

Attempt number two:
Gala apple, green tea, whey chocolate flavored protein powder.
Apples tea and chocolate protein powder taste like an apple dipped in warm green tea chocolate. Doesn't sound bad but my attempts to force it down were futile. This one was a big no as well. 
As I really wanted to get my morning started I opted out of a morning juice for a plain banana with water. I need to look up juice recipes. I think I'll stick to only spinach and kale in my juice. After the broccoli, veggies sound weird to drink. 
Note: these are not to replace meals but merely to get some energy and my metabolism going for my morning yoga. 
I'm going to force this habit back into my every day; I will bring my mat with me everywhere just like my water bottle. This is the healthy habit I've missed most and with the big change from college environment with a lot available to nothing at home, I need to hold onto the wonder of my mat. So much comes from that beat up old thing. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


When you don't have a gym with access to machines and weights, everything changes.
I've learned that, like any other routine, a workout must be flexible. We often rely too much on ellipticals tredmills and anything that is a product created by corporations to gain the focus of people in the workout community. 
I have loved the gym for some time now-- the atmosphere and all the equipment needed for easy dummy-proof fitness is available. But what happens when the gym is taken away? What happens when the person who is best at buying real food (produce-- the food earth provides for us) is stripped of their funds and they must rely on others who have the money but lack the understanding of the difference between food and a product?
In America everything has a price: fitness, food, and over-all well being. This is against the natural order of life yet Americans solute themselves with their negative nutrition meals and artificialized lives. 
At school I was in prime position for a healthy me-- I had the money to buy my own food and the schedule and location to workout. Now that I'm home I see I must be ever more flexible in my life. Life is change and diet and fitness are no different. 
If we are to survive and thrive as we choose, we must adapt. Adapt as creatures of earth are meant to. 
It's been tough dealing with less energy rich foods filled with simple carbs and sugars, while lacking the opportunities to burn it all off. I don't own a bicycle and I am literally about to step through my sneakers. On the occasions I have to lift at Alex's house, I do it wearing socks because my shoes provide instability as opposed to support. 
It's a big change and I need to create and force things if I have any hope of working towards where I want to be physically. 
Luckily I do have Alex and Colie, along with others, who support me in my decisions. I also have yoga. My mat may be physically falling apart but every time I step on and breathe, I feel the connection, the drive. I just have to find the way. 
As for food, I need to be more stern with my parents about what I actually eat. 
I hope your rainy Tuesday evening is going well. Maybe the sky will clear up for the stars tonight. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Rainy in the Sunshine State

I like to think being able to run across a parking lot, in the rain, while wearing clothes for an interview, and still being able to giggle because you're stepping in puddles and getting all wet as a sign of a full body of happy, positive energy.
It might be a rainy Wednesday here in the Treasure Coast but it's all a part of nature. If you can't giggle in the rain, I think you may need to adjust your observation. How does rain not feel silly when you're all dressed up for an interview?
Put on your goloshes and pull out your umbrellas. Sunshine is wonderful but balance is key. 
If you really need a giggle and the tears of a cloud aren't enough, here's a cute photograph of a doggie underwater. Photo was not taken by me-- found it in a book on my way to the potty at Barnes & Noble. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


On mornings after a work out, I often wake up and see me as myself in the mirror. It's not that I don't see me, it's just that I really see me-- I see a transformative person who knows that life is full of change. If life is change then I can choose the changes.
I've come a long way from being that chubby girl who didn't know anything about nutrition. Looking back, I see that it was all necessary for me to become who I see in the mirror now-- and I see someone who knows Truth and can make happiness. 
There are too many aspects of life to be happy about to focus on only the sad. Viva la vida. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Drinking Your Fruit? Drinking Your Breakfast?

There has been a growing big craze for meal shakes and such and, to be entirely honest, I think it's a bit weird to drink your food. Smoothies are awesome and so are protein shakes, but not as meal replacements. I feel smoothies should be treated as treats and snacks while protein shakes are for recovery and sustainability.
I've never been one to do protein shakes-- frankly because protein powder is quite pricey and, being a student, it would be another expense that isn't quite necessary. Fruits, veggies, and other high-protein sources that are natural to the earth are perfectly adequate for healing and growing muscles. 
As far as any kind of shake goes, I made a smoothie shake thingy this morning with spinach, banana, strawberries, apple, almond milk, honey, and ice. I was inspired by the idea of green drinks; I'm super interested because it would be ideal for having before a longer morning routine. My yoga teacher mentioned it helps her feel energized and hydrated without being weighed down or feeling sloshing. If I recall correctly hers is made with kale, ginger, apple, and green tea. It's much lighter than what I made today but mine was drank post-yoga. 
I'm going to look more into green drinks. They sound both nutritious and cleansing. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Back to Nature

Morning yoga truly transforms when you practice outdoors. 
The warmth of the sun allows you to stretch farther and deeper, opening you up to new poses; the fresh air permits happy healthy breathes; the sounds of nature help you connect-- to root yourself back to the world as it is without humans. 
Just like allowing your leg hair to grow back for a few days before shaving again, yoga outside allows for smooth, refreshing energy. It doesn't have to be done all the time, but when it is, you feel anew and confident.

Go outside and get some fresh air. Reconnect with the earth. Recognize the peace among the chaos of everyday America waiting to be realized. 


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Good Morning

Mornings are lovely. The world gets its last few moments of calm and nature starts her lively day.
There is something just so peaceful about the wind in the trees, birds chirping and a morning yoga session. All I can think while bein apart of a morning like this is "Breathe. Just breathe."