Thursday, May 29, 2014

Green Peppa (ROCK LOBSTA!)

If you read my blog (or at least the most recent posts), you know that Alex and I are building up our tool belt for cosplaying at Megacon next year. So that we don't have to dump a bunch of money all at once, we've been getting some things here and there that we are sure we will need for our cosplays and any sewing adventures. Today we got our patterns from The Green Pepper in the mail (only about $5 each-- shipping costs are low because it's pretty much just paper). I was very impressed that it only took them two days to get the order out and shipped. I admit I had my doubts because you can only order over the phone or through snail mail but I must say I am very pleased. (In comparison, I ordered a needle clam for the sewing machine from Sewing Parts Online over a week ago and just this evening did it get registered at the post office for shipment). Not only were they quick to send out and have the items shipped, their quality is wonderful. They folded the patterns the least amount possible and everything came in proper condition. The patterns we ordered were sport tights and then a racing suit. Both can potentially be altered to be a catsuit for red lantern and numerous other cosplays.
The Green Pepper also sells fabrics and notions-- mostly geared towards outdoors-y projects because it's a outdoors-y company. You can get some of their patterns at Joann's but not many.
Another thing I'd like to rave about real quick before I get ready for bed is this awesome bag of chips. They're called Boulder Canyon: Ancient Grains and they are amazing. AMAZING. You take a nice crisp bite and you're in chip-bean heaven. These delicious crunchies are gluten free and are made with brown rice, corn, quinoa, pinto beans, black beans, chia seeds, and a bunch of other yummy goodness. I bought them at BJ's and they go great with classic hummus. If you think it's just for vegans/vegetarians, Kaitlin (who is a happy good-food, no discrimination against meat eater) enjoyed them a bunch too!
I hope everyone's Friday help their weekend get off to a good start.

Make up for Makeup

Yesterday I got to spend the whole day with Kaitlin. She helped me figure out makeup for my brother's wedding. I want my face to show up well in pictures so I needed some help with accentuating my features well enough. Once again there is much going on in my life in addition to the build up to this special event. More and more I have been feeling like there is just enough time for anything. I suppose that is just how things tend to be when you have unavoidable responsibilities.
While Kaitlin was over we played just dance and I actually scored well on quite a few this time! Especially Rock Lobster lol. Then we realized it was late and I took her home but for some reason I felt nauseous on the way back. I ate the rest of Alex's pizza and that seemed to help though it wasn't very good of me to eat it right before laying down.
The night before last I ate Publix chocolate chip cookies. I'm having a hard time with my appetite because I always seem to want whatever isn't in the apartment. I don't want to cook vegetables, I want cookies and pie and pizza. Boo.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Yester-do-da Day

Grrr I need to start doing my post the moment I think of it during the day. 
Yesterday Alex and I spent a bit of money paying off bills and getting his dress shirts for my brothers wedding (which I had a crazy dream about last night). I think I'm just so excited for him and Jenny that I keep thinking about it. Plus I have to figure out what I'm doing with hair and makeup still. I have the basic idea I just have to practice and make sure I have everything I need. I know these pictures are going to be super important to my mom. Weddings are a big deal after all. 
Kaitlin is coming over today to help me with the makeup. She's pretty awesome at doing her own so it'll be nice to have her steady hands to help. 
Today I'm also going to the allergist. I think this appointment is to determine the best route for treatment and then I somehow need to make sure I have $90 set aside each month for the allergy shots... And I need to learn how to administer them to myself. >_< boo needles and me holding them. 
As for my workouts they've been going awesome and this goal of cow playing in a catsuit is far more motivating for Alex and I than the Race2Abs ever was.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Sewing for Dummies

At the beginning of this cosplay adventure Alex and I purchased the DIY book Sewing For Dummies. This is the very first dummies book I've ever opened beyond the front page and I must say I am pleased. While our debut costumes are still ways away from being in physical production, this book is making me more and more comfortable. I'm still waiting on my needle clamp in the mail but afterwards I'll be heading to a sewing shop to get someone to adjust the tension to where it needs to be (because I have no idea what to do...).
THEN I will work on mini projects like making a fabric clutch purse, an apron, a simple dress, etc. Alex and I are still so excited and to be entirely honest I'm getting antsy to get to work on this project (that's why I need the mini projects-- they also help build my sewing skills so I can be better prepared for the big project when the time comes). 
A book that I've been suggested for cosplaying is Fast Fit: Easy Alterations For Every Figure. I tried the library but no luck. That's okay, there seems to be some other good ones I could borrow. I went ahead and bought the Fast Fit on Barnes&Noble for $14 (free shipping if you're a member). So I can let you know how that one helps when it gets here.
Lots of waiting and learning but it's good to have this time so I can have a good end product from months of practice and adjustment.
Tomorrow I have the gym, selling Alex's old Yugioh cards to a kid on campus, and then I'm spending time with Kaitlin.
I haven't been getting much homework done because the cosplay/sewing research interests me so much that little else stimulates my attention.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

When Life Hands You Lemons...

... make sure they're actually lemons so you don't actually make lemonade with lemon squash. Today my coworker gave me seeds that were left by a customer. Apparently there are squash that look just like lemon (but still taste like a summer squash). There are so many things I enjoy about working for Worm's Way and being surrounded by people maybe even nerdier than me is one of them. Plus when there's no one coming to the store, I still get paid and I have time to do research for cosplay and sewing.
It's interesting when Sundays come for me because they feel so much like Fridays yet still note quite. I will be doing the gym classes again this week, bringing my ear buds so I can still enjoyably work out if a class is canceled. I look forward to it. With the scheduled classes it's easy to go and then be done (I don't have to trudge to the gym then wonder what I'm going to do; instead I ride my bike swiftly!).
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in me posting about gardening (Indoors and/or outdoors)?
Let me know.

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Behold Kale Mountain at Sanwa!

I'm not sure what to write tonight other than I wish I wrote my post sooner when my brain worked. My wrists are really hurting from playing tennis yesterday then moving heavy nutrients around at work. They really need some r&r. In the morning I think I'll do some Just Dance instead of the elliptical like yesterday and this morning. 
Alex and I are both doing well with keeping up with activity levels and working out. Now we re working on incorporating healthier more veggie rich meals. I bought a ton of fruit so we could do smoothies/juices for lunch during the week. Tonight for dinner I made mung beans with corn, quinoa, and Okra. Alex complained that I served him balls. End of story. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

I Am a Kitty, a Very Active Kitty

So I'm still awful at tennis. Alex and I went to play on campus and it went okay. We had fun and it's nice to be outside with him-- it's also nice to have an option other than the bicycle (give my knees a break). When we were bicycling back home from the tennis courts I realized that we still haven't made it to the pool since the start of  "summer". I think it's because we want to get out and stretch our legs. Since neither of us are swimmers, the pool is a source of relaxation not activity. 
I'm excited to say that I've been doing awesome with my workouts and activities. I told you about Soulful Yoga but I don't believe I talked about Muscle Madness. I kicked my own butt and did moves I didn't know I could do. Yesterday Alex and I went for our usual route bike ride (7 miles). Today was elliptical in the morning before work and then tennis when I got home. 
I must express how happy I am at the level of activity both Alex and I have been exhibiting this past week. I know I said before that the cosplay craftiness was helping our relationship but I definitely think that working out and doing physical activities together really makes a difference. I feel like this is why he and I work so well together; be both like to be active and do research but we have differences that make us interesting to each other. I can't imagine being partnered with anyone else for my life.

Oops I Did It Again

This is becoming a normal thing: for me to miss a day and post two the next day to make up for it. At least I'm doing them.
Yesterday was fairly productive. I cleaned up the apartment a bit and tried to work on my assignment that's due tonight. Summer is going to be pooey as far as classes go-- it's only week two and an assignment is due, I need to watch the recorded lecture I missed last night, and I still have to buy my textbooks for my other class. Hopefully taking summer will actually be beneficial to my degree track. I really need to meet with my advisor to discuss my track and what I can do to make me more employable once I graduate. Working at Worms Way is good but it's not going to help me with jobs after college. I like my pay and the regular schedule but it sucks working weekends every weekend.
I think it'd be good to maybe just volunteer some this summer (probably better once my summer semester ends) and then start looking into summer internships for next summer. 
Well my break is almost over and I have to drive back. I hope everyone has a good Friday; ill post my post for today tonight. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Work It Out Wednesday

I So today was definitely workout Wednesday. I started my day with the usual morning yoga and stuff, talked with Colie about cosplay and sewing skills. At noon I did a muscle madness group workout and got my butt kicked (I swear I didn't know I could do all of that and still be able to ride my bicycle home from the gym). 
Then when Alex got home we went to. Joann's and I had a moment with what needle to get. I figured it out but I have to go back for it. Then we came home and I looked up more sewing stuff (gosh I need to do homework and get my textbooks!). That will have to be for tomorrow. 
After research we went and kidnapped Kaitlin so she could play Just Dance 4 with me and test it out. She was not kidding when she said it was a workout. We sweated, giggled, and moved our bums for 2 hours and 26 minutes. Woo that was a good Wednesday cardio part 2. 
I'm feel really tired but I know I can push through this. Red later a that wear form fitting outfits don't has pooches or squishy bums. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Soul & Spirit

I had the pleasure of attending a unique yoga class this morning. The instructor used unconventional music for the class (R&B) along with the pairing of free weights. While many yogis may scoff at such an alteration to the sacred art of yoga, I feel it's good to make each class unique because why else would someone go to a yoga class? They want something different from what they're used to-- at least that's how I feel. At the end of the class she told some of the students who stayed behind that she makes her yoga sessions so active and challenging because she also teaches a yoga class at a youth prison.
Very interesting. I'm excited to attend again next week. Tomorrow I'm not sure if I'll be attending a gym class because the earliest one is 8:30 (that isn't happening) and the one after that is noon. I think I'll go and do some muscle work on my own tomorrow so I can keep to a nice schedule and hopefully spend some quality girl time with Kaitlin (financial aid came in so yay I can go out to lunch!).
So there's a lot to do today

Monday, May 19, 2014

Lifting Up Da Bum, Tighten Up Da Pooch

So my workouts have been going good. I went to the gym in the morning before work on both Friday and Saturday. I didn't go Sunday because I was out dancing (no drinking either) late Saturday night so I figured that could count and I'd allow myself sleep to be mostly functional at work. A big cup of tea saved my life for sure.
I also went to the gym for a workout class this morning and I'm going again tomorrow for some yoga. Right now I'm pushing myself to just be doing some sort of workout every day. I want to reincorporate weights back in since they do help burn more fat (plus help lift the bum more).
I really feel like legitimately planning out cosplay is really helping motivate both Alex and myself. It's nice to feel so enthralled in something with him-- something so active with multi-parts. There is so much to learn with sewing, design, and just general cosplay but I think we're off to a great start.
Alex and I purchased our tickets for Tampa Bay Comic Con in August so we can go and check out the scene, ask some questions and hopefully get helpful answers. This will be my first real convention so it'll be good to just be able to enjoy all the excitement and fun silliness instead of having our debut be my first convention. I have gone to what was considered to be a convention in PSL but it was very small it was more like a little community event. I'm excited to see the cosplay/geek community on a larger scale.
Our debut will be Mega Con April 2015 and just thinking about it makes me more and more excited.
We've been doing a ton of research and just finished inspecting our sewing machine. No lie, Alex and I really lucked out with it. Upon opening it up we discovered that it had been repaired, all belts lubricated and replaced at least within the past year. It's  nice to know that the only thing wrong was the missing spool pins and spool pin felts (which are ordered and on their way here!).
Words can't express how much I see this project is positively changing not only Alex and my habits but our relationship as well.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mâché Ole'!

Pay-pah mâché! Ole'! Alex taught me how to paper mâché tonight and it was awesome! I tried to make a bowl and idk if it'll come out good but yay for something new to paint. 
I was so tired today after last nights fun but there was no way I could say no to a paper mâché lesson. Alex is working on
making a mask form. He was to do some sculpting and maybe do a few things for a different cosplay far in the future. It makes sense since there's not too much we can do immediately for our Red Lantern cosplays. 

We re both really excited though and there's lots of healthy positivity towards being more active and being smarter with food choices. 

For me the gym and making good food choices is going well. I woke up earlier than I usually do on the weekends so I cod squeeze in a quick morning workout on the elliptical (as expressed on my Twitter). I'm feeling more energized and motivated which is always nice. 
I hope everyone had a nice weekend like me. 

Dolly Girl

It's been a while since I got dolled up for dancing and that's what I did yesterday night. Alex and I went with friends to Czar in Ybor. Very nice venue, I loved the possibilities of the rooms and how much potential for awesomeness there was. We only stayed until twelve but there wasn't enough people to fill up even half the club. I'm sure on a busy night the energy is perfect to make people stay all night. 
Next outting will be Dallas Bull for Kaitlin and I, and maybe Brandi too, to ride a mechanical bull. This is happening. Soon. <3 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Get Carried Away Into Cosplay!

Almost forgot. Almost... but I didn't. Yay. So I mentioned in my previous blog post that Alex and I are going to do cosplay. Well this rocket ship is taking off fast! We went thrift shopping (imma pop some tags) to look for a sewing machine and lo and behold the first place we went we found an old Singer 457 for $17! It's missing both spool pins and has a little rust on the slide plate but it runs, stuff spins, and the pedal is in good condition. Alex and I have also been finding a lot of patterns and tutorials for miscellaneous costumes and accessories (both relevant and not so relevant). I'm nervous about working with lycra/spandex but we have time to get our basic sewing skills mastered then build on top of that. First project? Penny's pillow. I hand-sewed it and now it's in need of a wash-- perfect opportunity to use the sewing machine. It will also help me see about the efficiency left on the needle and learn by trial an error how to use the machine in general.
Alex is really getting into everything. He's signed up on to ask questions and comment in the forums and he's watching Youtube videos as I type on making masks and such. It makes me smile. He was also extremely excited when we got the sewing machine for just $17 (compared to the $90 we were seeing as a beginning base point in Joann's). We knew there was no way we were going to get better than that for that type of machine.
My point of excitement was the $30 investment in some hot boots that we found at Anarchist Closet (support local shops!). There they were originally priced at $59.99 but this weekend only they had 50% off everything. When the lady rung them up she said that they're actually new and the woman who had them didn't want to sell them so cheap considering she bought them for $200. I have no idea how you spend two hundred bucks on a pair of boots and never wear them. They're pretty high and tough to walk in-- I'll need to wear thick socks and make some adjustments but they really are kick @$$. They go a little higher than mid-thigh and are shiny black (totally originally from a sex shop but they're going to be PERFECT).
Oh lookie, I found an image of them on Amazon.

I'm not going to do Bleez but her costume is inspiring my own
(at least as far as the hot boots go!).

Perhaps something closer in similarity to Antipathy's outfit.
I won't be ready for quality masks or wing structures for a while.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

To the Ignorant Girls At the Gym

While meat is indeed a large staple of the North American diet, it does not have more nutrition than vegetables. The fabric of meat (muscle of a dead animal) is made up of protein, collagen, and fat. While each of these hold a place on the list of necessary nutrients for the human body, meat is not the only source for them nor is it the best source. Protein can be found in numerous vegetables along with the famous group called legumes (AKA beans). Using legumes as a main source of protein does not only give you less fats, it gives you the healthier fats, fiber, and other nutrients like magnesium and potassium.
Making the personal decision to stop eating meat does not mean that you will get less nutrients; if anything it means you will be inviting more nutrients into your body. The choice to eat or not to eat meat is both a cultural and a personal decision-- don't make statements about nutritional content unless you are actually educated in food. You can eat meat if you choose but don't go slamming on vegans. Some of the strongest men in the world are vegan. Vegan-ism can actually boost muscle strength because the fats from the meats are not lingering in your muscles; instead, you are creating more room for muscle (thus you can look smaller and actually be stronger).
Also, vegan-ism can be even more of an exciting diet* (please recall my personal definition of the word 'diet') than that of a carnivores. In North America the standard meal is 40% meat/protein 40% starch 20% vegetable.
Cracker Barrel's Meatloaf
For a vegan a meal can consist of all three of these (protein, starch, vegetable) throughout the dish. Kitchari has basmanti rice (which is indeed a grain but contains many nutrients), mung beans (protein, vegetable, fiber), assorted fresh vegetables, and many spices that have endless health benefits.

So, to the girls that I encountered at the gym earlier today, get educated on what you put into your body. While you might get a big hunk of protein from that steak, you are also getting a lot of 'bad' fats. (I put bad in quotes because all fats are necessary but everything has an ideal quantity and eating a lot of meat goes beyond the healthy amount). Next time, actually look into the nutritional content of food before slamming down a diet different from your own. Eating meat is fine but it is not the only way to get necessary nutrients.

*diet: a personal practice of eating;
         a day-to-day routine of eating that goes beyond the definition granted by fads.

Ground Control to Miss Catherine

This song has been stuck in my head for a day or so, so I want to make everyone else listen to it. If you haven't seen Walter Mitty, I highly suggest you see it. Both times Alex and I have seen it, we immediately wanted to watch it again.
I realized when Rinpoche woke me up this morning that I didn't write my blog post for yesterday. It was a fairly eventful day. Alex and I reflected on our failure with the Race to Abs and decided we needed a more potent dose of motivation and decided on cosplay. We've been talking for quite a while about dressing up and going to a convention but we didn't, until yesterday, make an absolute decision. So since it will be our first time we decided to go with something more simple but will still make it a necessity to fit and tighten things up. We decided on Red Lantern, or at least Alex has. I'm not sure who I'll be from the Red Lantern series-- we'll probably just both do generic lantern. Alex didn't think I could present a rage face for Red Lantern fan pictures but I think I proved him wrong for a moment (until I started laughing from making the rage face). A little blood at the edges of my mouth should give me the boost I need to pose well.
Today we're going to go thrift shopping and visit Joanne's to check out fabric and look at sewing machines.

Other than cosplay plans, yesterday I worked on the pokemon game board. Alex's side is almost done and I'm excited to share it with everyone once I'm done. I can't tell you how many times I erased and restarted the pokemon I'm using to hold place of the prize cards.

I'll let you know how today goes later. Have a good one.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

He Said "Lost My Girlfriend In IKEA"

No, I didn't really get lost in IKEA. I totally could have though. All those simply beautiful furniture pieces and kitchens just waiting to be built? Yes please.
Today Alex and I took our second trip to IKEA and of course found numerous things we love and hope to someday go back for and use in our future home. We were looking because today we also filled out applications to move into a new apartment in September. The new one will be far bigger (two floors) and we will be rooming with Aaron. I admit I will miss walking around in my undies but this will be good. The bigger space will allow Penny more room to roam and Rinpoche more places to hide and leap out to attack! I am a little nervous because this will be the largest place I've lived in outside of my parents' place. There will be more surfaces to clean, and more space to work with. Space is good but it also means new and more furniture (thus the trip to IKEA).
After IKEA Alex and I took Penny to the park. We weren't there that long but she ran around after other dogs pretty much the whole time. A pooped Penny is a happy Penny.

Wake Me Up So We Can Dream

After constantly dosing off on the car ride to bring Kaitlin home, I crashed very hard when I got home. Thinking about last night, my mind wanders to sleep overs in the past. It's been years since I've slept over someone else's house (other than Alex's but we all know that's an entirely different situation). Now that I'm 22 it's odd to think that it may not even be an option again until Alex and I have our own house. I've had roommates and will continue to have roommates, that's for sure but sleepovers... ah, the magic of having your best friend over, watching movies, painting nails, eating popcorn and a ton of Snickers minis. During such situations as these it's perfectly acceptable to pass out (as long as it's after midnight). But when there is no where for your guest to sleep, you gotta stay up and make sure they get home okay-- with which I am entirely okay with. It's just frustrating to be falling asleep on your best friend when you're trying to spend time with them. I try so hard to stay up and attentive but I'm worried I miss something. I know if it's important I'll be told again when I'm more lucid, or if it's really important that I'll be shaken awake.
It'd really be nice to have another sleepover but it's not that same when your other half is present. You're supposed to be able to swoon and complain about your other half, then miss them and give them lots of love when you see them again once the sleepover is, well, over. Like I said, it'll probably be when I have my own place or when I'm visiting a friend out of town.

I am not without some kind of sleepover though. There are nights with Alex in our apartment when they feel very much like sleepovers-- much more intimate but still with the attributes that make a sleepover what it is. Some nights we will watch shows, eat cookies, giggle with and tickle each other. Some nights we will stay up until 2 AM just talking and snuggling or playing cards. I sounds really cheesy but Alex isn't just my life partner, he's my best friend (which is an attribute of life partner but for the sake of cheesiness just roll with it). I never thought I'd end up so lucky as to have both love and friendship in one. He's not one of the girls but he's certainly the companion on need to keep me on my toes, my head on straight, and my heart full.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Forever A Part of Her

Some say our destiny is tied to the land, as much a part of us as we are of it.
Others say fate is woven together like a cloth .

It's tough not being with my mom for Mother's Day. I sent her a gift, called her twice, wished her a beautiful happy day-- it doesn't seem like it's enough. And it may never be enough to thank her for being such a loving mother. We don't always see eye to eye but it's ridiculous to expect someone to be exactly like their parent. Parents always want better for their children anyway-- they certainly don't expect their kids to be just like them.
I did get a little giggle this morning at work because one of my coworkers asked what my fur babies got me. I told him poop and slobber (not far off from human babies lol). Work was really slow though. I ended up napping on some bags of soil (surprisingly comfortable). When I got home Alex and I went for another bike ride-- 10 miles this time! Then we had an awesome spaghetti dinner with roasted green beans and mushrooms. Other than all that today was a basic Sunday. Wish I could have taken my mommy out for dinner or something but I'll get to see her soon. My brother is getting married next month after all.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Monsanto Ramble-Tamble, A Bee Just Died

What's really sad is... I'm not even sure where to start. When I read this article earlier today I felt the fury I generally feel towards the results of greed. I'm still not sure how to express such frustration and every time i learn more I feel more trapped by this country. Yes we have the right to freedom of speech but what does it matter when our words do so little for our planet? What does it all matter when we can't even buy produce without worrying about the effects of the pesticides? Oh wait, that's right: to the U.S. food is now grown but PRODUCED. Food isn't something the Earth provides-- it's something we make ourselves, something that is created and assembled at a factory. For so many Americans, this is the cold truth. So many people don't even know that there is other produce out there that Walmart doesn't sell. Most people would be shocked or grossed out to learn that there is such a thing as a purple carrot. This is a naturally occurring plant of nature. Nature. The Earth. From the ground. A ground without overuse. A ground without pesticides and dead bees. I digress. This purple carrot is perfectly good to eat and has more nutrients than the standard 'orange' carrot.
I'm given all this freedom in America, like the freedom to write this post, but why is it such a damn challenge to give the people real food without concern for their health in the long run? Why is it so damn difficult to allow farmers to be competitive and use their own seeds? Why is it fucking allowed to spray plants meant for consumption with toxins that kill bees? Why is there such a high demand for beautiful green lawns and not enough desire for raised beds that could yield enough food to feed a family for dinner? Greed. God damned greed and pompousness.
I think this one is pretty close to how I'm feeling:

On a different note, but still on the ridiculousness of industry importance over the health of the entire planet (ALL animals included), I also know that charging fees to those who get all the energy they need for solar panels is fucking ridiculous. I also know that saying that someone has to be connected to the grid for electricity even though they won't be using it is ridiculous. This country isn't about the American Dream-- not the one we grow up believing in. This country is about supporting BUSINESS and COMPANIES. $$$$. 

But there are good people here. There are good people here in the United States trying to live a healthy, happy life while preserving precious resources and the Earth herself. I know that we are all busy scrambling and trying to be involved in the life that our society says we need to lead. I know that the last thing you think you should be concerned about is what apples you're picking up at the grocery store. The sad truth is that we do need to research before we buy. We do need to learn how to self-sustain. When everything goes to hell, by golly we need to know how to grow food.

I'm done with that shpeal. I do apologize for two in one day. Other than getting fire-y on the ridiculousness of monsanto and what the U.S. will allow, my day was pretty good. We had good sales at the store.
When I got home Alex and I took Penny for a walk then encountered another couple with a dog. They actually had their dog roaming free in a field so we let Penny of the lease and she had a ball (though the other dog was timid). I wish our walk was longer, especially since I just finished eating cookies that are going to go straight to my pooch and thighs. We had a good dinner though: curry spiced cauliflower and various veggies with spicy baked tilapia. Lately I've really been realizing my lack of activity and the difference between me now and me in undergrad. I used to walk so much more, not to mention go to the gym four times a week.
It's going to happen again. It has to because I can't allow myself to let my body go. I can't gain any more fat. I need to be healthy and respect my body-- not throw garbage into it.

Here's to an interesting rest of the weekend.

Water Slides and Turbulence

So I didn't realize I missed yesterday's post until I woke up this morning and saw Kaitlin's new post. I remember I wanted to touch upon an article on the acclaimed "controversial" shark killings. There's nothing controversial-- it's aweful. While I understand the concern for human life I feel people could more easily avoid sharks than they could a car accident: simply don't go in the ocean. If shark attacks were really all that bad, people should have limited access to beaches instead of murdering sharks that may have never hurt nor would have ever hurt a person. The article made it clear: people believe humans are the only ones that matter. That's why the planet is going to poop, we don't care about the environment until it directly affects us.
I'm done with my shpeal for now. 
Yesterday was a nice day. It was busy for a bit and work then got slow so I caught up on some of my reading: news and elephant journal articles. Then when I got home Alex and I went for a nice seven mile ride. When we were done my legs had no idea what they should do lol. It was beautiful outside and the route we took allowed us to chat and be a cute couple on bicycles. Afterwards we had leftovers and then we went to super target to get a few things (yay we might have fish for dinner-- I've had a huge caring for fish lately). After that I recall being pretty tired and I passed out before Alex even came to bed.
My dreams last night were about taking a plane to London, me not liking being on the plane, and then waking up in a luxurious hotel with this awesome water slide. I recall thinking how I left my yoga mat and wondered if room service would bring me one. Then I really woke up and realized I had to go to work again today. 
Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday. Enjoy your freedom if you don't have to work. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

No Summer Time

While I will be able to enjoy the sunshine and possibly get some beach days in, this summer will be the first that I don't have a summer break. I will be continuing with my classes as well as be working pretty much every weekend (aside from that of my brother's wedding). It's tough having free time that doesn't work with that of events or Alex's free time. He can stay up late on Fridays while I can stay up late on Sundays. It'll be nice to some day have similar schedules and be able to go out on the weekends without worrying about sleep. Someday.
Today I mailed out my mom's Mother's Day gift and surprise surprise there is a "post office" just around the corner from me that I totally could have rode my bicycle to. I put post office in quotations because it's actually a shipping company that ships for USPS but don't do any of the other services. It's good to know it's there; I will definitely be riding my bike next time because it seemed pretty silly to drive there. It's kind of like living across the street from the grocery store and driving your car over even though you only need less than a few items.
After the quick trip to the post office Alex and I came back to the apartment and just hung out-- sifted through our Pokemon cards and traded some. Then we took Penny to the dog park on Davis Island which turned out to be a big success. There were numerous dogs there and they were all pretty chill. One was part boxer so they were able to help Penny play to her full potential: boxing and lots of running! I was really happy to see a Great Dane as well-- such a sweetie and so gentle with all the dogs (even the tiniest little ball of fuzz). We stayed for a little over half an hour but that was more than enough time because Penny is super pooped.
When we got home I started on some dinner: roasted potatoes, peppers, onions, and butternut squash. I think butternut squash is my favorite because I never seem to get enough of it. I love it in macaroni and cheese (I totally had the idea before I even knew Annie's has a frozen dinner of that), roasted, in rice-- there is so much potential for this marvelous winter squash.
While dinner was cooking we FINALLY watched the new episode of GOT. Yay! Good stuff, lots of great stories moving along. Overall today was a good day. I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow so I could enjoy what little summer break I have left but I have to go. It's a good job, pays well, and the people I work with are pleasant. To top it off it's pretty easy. I think I'm just ready for something different. I'm looking forward to my field work time, whenever I can finally get it started. I don't think I'll get paid for it but you never can tell, it's possible I'll land a paid internship of sorts.
Hope everyone's weekend starts off well. Enjoy the company and experience of the world around you.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Flashfire Sleepyhead

I have no clue what's going on with my body lately; I just get so tired and I'm tired of it! Alex and I finally fit in a bike ride (a nice sunny seven miles) and afterwards I was so dead that I napped in the car when we went out to find some Pokemon XY Flashfire. We ended up going to the ghetto Walmart to buy some and Walmart is just not for me anymore. Sacrifice quality for a dollar or two? No thank you. Hopefully target gets their shipment in soon because it's so much cheaper there. The base price is a bit lower and then we have Alex's team member discount plus the Redcard. Lots of cute new Pokemon to use.
Other than the nice bike ride, we went to the mall with Aaron and we got some smelly goods for my mom for Mother's Day (hopefully it gets there in time) and a new bathing suit for myself. Much needed. I was a little bummed when trying clothes on in the mall today. While I haven't gained much weight in regards to the Bridesmaid dress measurements, I have gained weight in general-- as in my body is jiggly instead of more tight. I'm disappointed with myself and how I've let it get to this point. I want to be more active everyday like I used to be. I want to walk or bicycle more places and somehow regain my appetite for healthy food (my stomach has been craving crazy things and I've allowed myself to to be lazy in the kitchen). Along with the change of my relationship with this blog, I need to change my relationship with activity and the kitchen.
After the bike ride and such, we took Kaitlin out to a Ellas for dinner and put on The Internship since she hasn't seen it before. Definitely a must see movie. I can honestly say I'm tired of eating out though. No more please. I just want home cooked food and to treat my body better. 
Still haven't seen the new episode of GOT but it will happen. It will happen even if I have to do a two hour sit down with Alex next Monday to be caught up. 
Hope everyone had a good hump day.

We will watch Game of Thrones because I am the Queen. We will watch Game of Thrones or heads. will. roll.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Screen Is So Bright!

I got to see Kaitlin today! She went to the dog park with us and then we attempted to go out to lunch with Penny but it turns out that Ella's Folkart Cafe doesn't serve lunch during the week. We had planned on Ella's because it's awesome food and atmosphere as well as being dog friendly.
So we ended up debating on where to go and what to do. I wanted to take somewhere she hadn't been before that I feel she would enjoy-- we re celebrating her graduation afterall. (Colie I promise we will make something happen to celebrate yours too). 
After taking Penny home we made our way to Macaroni Grill and we all stuffed our faces. Love them olive oil herbs and peppercorns. After lunch I had Kaitlin watch Cloud With A Chance 2 and then proceeded to chat and then play Mario&Sonic Sochi. Figure Skating on teams is so so so cute!

It's been far too long since I've had proper girl time. I'm sure I've said that before but it still rings true. 
Here's to many more girl nights this summer-- full of laughs, cute animals, and girly stuff, but, first, let me drink some protein. (Search selfie spoof protein on YouTube to understand). 

Before I pass out for bed I just want to update you with what's happened to the Race to Abs. We both failed I think but it doesn't mean we re not going to continue trying to be as active as we can or stop eating healthy. I think having at least one other person I can hang out with will keep me in lighter spirits. 
Hope you all are having a good week and enjoying some summertime. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Don't Stab Me With An Oak, I'm Not A Vampire

I am officially allergic to everything. I mean everything. Trees, grass, animals, dust mites, etc. My allergy appointment went good-- I didn't die. Though, I did almost faint. The doctors said it was most likely because I had a small lunch; the same this has happened before and each time it was someone who didn't eat enough prior. Fortunately I had a fun group of doctors that made me almost fainting exciting. Once they had me laying back, the doctor doctor came in to check on me and instead of asking if I was alright he said "Woo! Exciting! Something happened!" With this very handsome smile on his face. We all giggled. I started feeling better. They gave me Belvita biscuits to eat before they started the full allergy tests. All the tests resulted in big bumps where the injections were administered. I am allergic to everything. Dust mites and Oak tress most of all.
Yay for being back on my allergy pills now though! The next step is to figure out how I'm going to pay for the allergy injections to slowly get my body used to everything. It'll be a three to five year process but I really feel it will be worth it because, at a 90-98% success rate, I could very potentially have a life with less sneezes, itchy throats, and asthma attacks (since allergies are one of my triggers for asthma, this would allow my broncs less opportunities to close up). I drove home feeling bummed that I'm allergic to everything but at the same time filled with hope for easier breathing and less mucus down my throat and into my chest.

You're probably wondering what's with the title. That's a joke I made with Alex about my allergies and how I'm strongly allergic to oaks. To keep it short, he asked if we could still have oak furniture. I said yes and then something along the lines of not staking me in the heart with it because I'll die from allergies and not the stake in the heart. Then I made some jokes about vampires and how if you died from a stake in the heart, you're a vampire. I said that if I were back during such a time I'd be like "But you didn't ask if I like garlic!" (I love garlic). Yeah, I know, nice story Catherine. Thanks for listening. Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and their summer break when it gets here.


Monday Monday

So my skin has been itchy all weekend and it is my deepest wish at this moment that my allergy test today will help me out. It'd also be nice to not be sneezing so much anymore. It's worst at night time when I go to lay down. It wasn't nearly this bad when I took my allergy pill. Please, please, allergy person help me!

My appoint is today at 2 and before that, after I finish this post, I'll be doing my morning yoga followed by some breakfast and then some painting and Once Upon a Time. I totally got spoilers for it while at Moe's last night. Who knew that Moe's would have that channel up and didn't tell me? 
I'm not sure what's planned for after my appointment. I do need to text Katilin and ask when she's free so Alex and I can take her out for dinner to CELEBRATE (<-- Cloud With A Chance 2 reference). And just hang out. I'm around guys all the time; it'll be nice to have some girl time.
Tomorrow I think Alex and I will be taking Penny to the dog park. We try and take her at least once a week because other dogs and other people are her favorite. 

Monday for Sunday

Whoever made this advertisement clearly doesn't know what it's like to actually live in Florida. They also clearly did not experience all that rain on Friday.

Yes, it's Monday not Sunday but I'm putting an effort in.
Yesterday I went to work; it was a busy day-- lots of people, decent amount of profit. I like working at Worm's Way because even when it's slow I have friendly coworkers who always have an interesting story to tell. I also enjoy helping people learn about indoor gardening with a heavy dash of science that they didn't know was important to plants. The weather was gorgeous.
After work I came home and spent about an hour trying to decide what was for dinner. I settled on Moe's even though I seemed to have a big craving for pasta. I don't like to pay so much for food I could make at home with ease. Note to self: definitely getting pasta when I finally make it to the grocery store.
We came home and I worked on and finished my Final Project and Authority Quiz for my Cataloging Nonbook Materials class (I'm going to miss it; it was my only physical class). Alex and my friend, Aaron, came over and hung out. We talked about our thoughts on apartments we've been looking at for the fall. We have some good options, the only thing left to see is where they price us at. I think it's dumb how they can't have a standard range for their apartments. This BS about, Oh we won't be able to tell how much or even if we'll have something for you until exactly two months before that date. At least that's better than being lazy butts like some apartment complexes that say they can't tell until a week before.
After Aaron left Alex and I wound down for the night and got to bed.
I didn't get any painting done but I'll have time on Monday for that since I can't go to the gym without taking my allergy pills.
Overall it was a regular Sunday. As regular as a Sunday can be.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Daily Dally-Do

Aaaaaand I totally should've just posted this yesterday before I got off lunch break but I wanted to wait to add a picture. Oh well, no picture and it's late. That's life. Here's day one post, I'll write day two tonight once I submit my final project.

I've realized it's been a while since I last posted. It'd be a lie if I said it was all due to school. While school has kept me busy with final assignments and deadlines I have, for some reason, been avoiding my blog. So much has been going on and each week I plan to include it in my weekly blog post but when the day comes I don't feel the same as I did the day of the event or it slips my mind all together. 
Yesterday I caught up on Kaitlin's blog and I was thinking how it's nice to be able to look back on each day and have that much needed trigger to recall things. Then I thought, why don't I post every day-- even if it's a short blurb that means little to nothing to you readers. If anything it may help me gather my thoughts for one weekly full post. Well, as you can probably tell by now I have a hard time committing to a specific activity-- I thrive in change. People like to have their routines and know exactly what to expect. Whenever I have such predictable days and routines, well, that's when I seem to fall. I need change because change means that I'm alive. For the past few years I've been able to change my major, change the places I go, and where I live, then maybe have some routines that fit within all the changes just to give me breather time (yes I counted going to the gym as breather time in undergrad). 
Now most of my time is routine and I think initiating change will be good. It'd be nice to have this blog, walking Penny, and the gym as my routine breather times but my job has to be apart of that list as well. So, here's my attempt at starting a new change: Daily Blog #1. 
Today I woke up five minutes earlier than I usually do for work so that I could make sure I got to work on time-- which I did so I'm going to continue waking up at that time. It's been raining here in Tampa since yesterday's rainstorm and I'd very much like some sunshine instead. I'm prepared to endure the summer heat because I'm a born Florida girl but this rain just keeps my mood down. I need my daily Vitamin D. 
I get off work around six. I had thought to stop a the market to do grocery shopping but we have enough food at home so I just want to use all that first. I'm thinking something with quinoa. After dinner I want to try and finish my final project and quiz. Then if I have some time, finish up Colies gift even though she'll be in Colombia by the end of today. It'd just be nice to finish that project up then work on the pokemon area board Alex so badly wants finish lol. 
There usually isn't much time after I get home from work and cook dinner so I'll probably head to bed after all that, maybe get a chapter of reading in. Then tomorrow wake up and do much of the same, except I have the option of staying up late-- kind of. Alex works Monday mornings. I'm not going to lie, I kind of like that we have different work schedules because it allows me time to do things around the apartment and work on assignments without the temptation of being right next to him. At the same time I miss him so much during the weekends and I feel like I'm losing precious time. The truth is we re always 'losing' time-- using time would be a better descriptor. While I would much rather be doing things I enjoy instead of working, I know I need to work to be able to do things I enjoy when I do have free time. 
When I think like this it helps but it also makes me feel like I may never be able to afford or have good circumstance to do the things I want. Like taking Yoga Teacher Training classes and getting my yoga certification. It's a big investment not only with money but with time. Much of the classes are held on the weekends which will cause a predicament with work (I'm only hired to work weekends). I had estimated working for Worms Way for about a year but i think I may have to stay with them until I graduate... We shall see. 
Something I need to do this coming week is get all the details on my fieldwork requirements because that is going to affect a lot as well. I also need to find out what textbooks I need to buy for the summer semester.